* "Kickboxing Beatdown" - Wearing new boxing gloves that a fan bought him for this scenario, Primal gives you a POV kicking and boxing beatdown that begins with you standing and ends with you on the ground for the last few minutes.
Primal comes in with aggressive, alpha energy and begins moving around his room like it's a boxing ring. He raises his fists into boxing position and talks trash to you, then he starts throwing jabs, hooks, and uppercuts your way. He also throws kicks at you, turning it into a one-sided kickboxing match. For the first half of the video, Primal's wearing white socks while he kicks you, but he takes them off 6 minutes into the beating and resumes kicking you with his bare feet. The pummeling and trash talk continues until you reach the point where you can't stand anymore. Primal sets the camera on the floor looking up at him to give you the impression he knocked you down. He continues to punch you while you lay on the ground and also uses the opportunity to stomp you. In the end, he claims you as his property and demands you always have cash on hand so he can continue giving you the beatdowns you deserve and take your money. Length: 12:16 |
* "Dirty White Sockdown" - Prepare to taste dirt and have to thoroughly wash your face afterward.
Alpha Primal is wearing white crew-cut socks with grey toes and heels, and they are really filthy. The prominent dirt outline of his feet and toes in the socks can't be ignored, especially when the entire purpose of the video is for them to be pressed into your face and stomp you while you're laying below them. Your perspective is on the floor looking up at Primal as he towers over you for most of the video, verbally degrading you and stomping his dirty socks down on you over and over again. You also get instructed to put your tongue out so he can move his foot back and forth over it, leaving you a very dirty taste to go with your filthy face. In the middle of the video, Alpha Primal sits down next to you and brings your head close to him as he crosses his ankles in front of you and puts his socks right in your face. In the end, he leaves you on the ground like a dirty rug in need of a wash. Length: 10:15 |
* "Pulverized Pretzels" - An entire bag of large pretzels is pulverized under the mighty soles of Alpha Primal's black high-top shoes in preparation of a snack he feeds you.
For the first minute, Primal stomps around the bag of pretzels in a march so you get to hear the sounds of his footsteps on the hardwood floor in anticipation of what's to come. He sits down and rests his ankles on the bag for a moment, then stands up and uses one foot to apply pressure to it until it loudly pops open. With taunting verbal throughout the entire rest of the video, Primal pours the pretzels onto a cardboard box on the floor and begins crushing them bit by bit until they've all been reduced to salted dust. The resounding crunch of them under his shoes sounds like bones being broken, and he tells you this is exactly what your fate would be if his feet got a hold of you. At the end, Primal holds up a freezer bag that he filled to the top with the crushed pretzels and tells you that you're going to be eating the entire bag, and that you're going to like it. Length: 11:37 |
* "Wrestling POV Rematch" - A sequel to the first, this is a virtual wrestling match against Primal Instinks on his mattress from your point of view.
The camera is set on the bed facing Primal so it appears you're challenging him and seeing him through your eyes as if you were there. In this loose, relaxed match between friends, Primal is wearing boxer shorts. Primal playfully talks trash to you and tells you he's going to win, then he grapples with you and you go back and forth putting each other into holds. Primal's arm gets held under you like you have him in an armbar, but then he has you in a headlock. You wind up putting him in a spladle, but then he has you on your back and gives you a stinkpit sleeper. He repeatedly tells an imaginary referee to ask you if you're ready to tap out. In the end, Primal gets you to submit, then he pins you for a three-count to really rub it in that he bested you a second time. He tells you to train harder before you decide to challenge him again. Length: 12:27 |
* "Bananamasharama" - It's four bananas versus Alpha Primal's socks and feet. Guess who wins?
Primal has four bananas on an end table in front of him, and he crosses his ankles and rests his feet on one of them. He starts off wearing white crew socks with grey toes and heels with the heels cut out of them. The banana slowly gets flattened under the weight of Primal's holey socked feet and its contents begin squeezing out from the peel. He speaks taunting and dominant dialogue to you throughout the duration of the video. Once the first banana collapses under the weight of his mighty feet, he removes one of the socks and places his feet on a second banana. This one too begins to show signs of defeat (or de-feet in this case) as its insides spill out from the flattened peel. He moves onto the third one and it eventually meets the same fate to his amusement. Primal takes the other sock off so he's now barefoot and targets the fourth banana as his final footrest. This one was softer than the previous three and almost instantly surrenders to the weight of his ankles. Primal mocks the sight and mashes his heels against all the bananas in victory, then holds them up to the camera and tells you it's now time for you to eat them all. Length: 10:32 |
* "Crisp Crunch" - A big bag of regular potato chips meets its end under Primal's all-black hightop shoes, with the bag getting popped and the chips crushed to crumbs beneath his soles.
Primal starts off by sitting on the hardwood floor with his feet resting on the bag of chips like a balloon. The pressure from his size 12 shoes causes the air in the bag to nearly pop it open. He crosses his ankles and moves his feet on the bag, pushing it close to its bursting limit. He stands up and puts one foot on the bag and presses down, causing it to loudly pop and chips to spill out from the open end. Primal empties all the chips from the bag onto the floor and begins slowly crushing them a little at a time. The satisfying crunch of each section of chips being reduced to dust is heard along with his alpha banter. Primal eats a few uncrushed chips and notes their greasy goodness, but he tells you the real snack is going to be yours because you'll be eating all the chips he crushed under the soles of his shoes after he's done smashing them to bits. Once they're all crushed, the camera cuts to him holding the dusted chips in a sealed sandwich bag which he tells you is now your snack bag. Length: 10:22 |
* "Itsy Intruder Sock Squish" - A giant returns home to discover his bedroom is now infested with tiny intruders. Realizing the only way to rid himself of them is to squish them, he begins stomping them one by one while wearing white socks.
The entire video is a floor POV using a GoPro camera with a wide lens, giving you a first-person perspective of the tiny people as they're eliminated one at a time by giant Primal. He first notices one hiding under his standing desk and slowly squishes it with his sock, which is white in color with grey toes and heel. The giant realizes how much fun it was to squish the little intruder and begins feeling more and more powerful with each one he stomps out. He lumbers around his bedroom finding them one by one in their vain attempt to hide from him, and he taunts and laughs at them for their fate. One is on his computer chair, one on his bed, and there's even one hiding in his laundry basket that he catches and crushes. A few times the tiny gets lifted up and held in front of Primal as he bares his teeth and mocks their little size before being set back down and squished. After celebrating the extermination of the itsy-bitsy intruders, the giant roars and hopes out loud that he'll be able to find more to squish soon. Length: 13:03 |
* "Singlet Strongman" - The muscle model returns in his green singlet for some more power poses.
Primal talks in an arrogant manner throughout the video while he flexes every muscle in his body for the camera. He starts off with the view on his face and upper body while he flexes his arms and chest with the singlet on. Next, he slides his arms out of the straps and flexes his bare chest and back. The view goes down to Primal's computer chair while he places each of his feet on it and flexes both of his legs and calf muscles. He sits in the chair and shows off more of his chest, arms, and abs with the straps still off his upper body. He also shows off his ankles and feet. After that, Primal replaces the straps and pulls the singlet as tight to his body as he can and shows off how you can see his abs through it. That's not the only thing you can see through it though, and he brings attention to and shows that off as well. Length: 12:01 |
* "Brief Sitting, Wedgie Rising" - Primal, wearing sagging basketball shorts and orange underwear, decides he wants to give you a better view of his undergarments by sitting on you and pulling them up higher as he does.
Primal pans around his shorts to give you a good look then sets the camera on his computer chair facing up at him, changing to a first-person POV that you're now his chair. He starts by sitting on you several times with his shorts on and makes funny jokes along with the playful banter he talks throughout the entire video. His baggy shorts eventually fall down to his ankles so he takes them off and starts sitting and squatting on you in his underwear instead. Each time he gets up after sitting on you for a while, he pulls the underwear up higher in a wedgie. When the underwear can't be pulled any higher or tighter, he pans around them, revealing that they now resemble a thong instead of briefs, then sits on you one final time with the atomic wedge he's enduring. Length: 13:25 |
* "Second Serving of Slave Snacks" - Primal has just eaten a tiny person and demands a foot massage from you, another tiny slave to him. When he catches you eyeing his belly, he makes you his next snack.
Your POV is a wide lens view of Primal's rolling chair, which looks giant from your position. Primal walks in wearing pink boxer shorts and rubbing his belly, having just eaten a tiny slave as a snack. He props his feet up right in front of you and demands you to rub them. Primal laughs cruelly and talks about how tasty little tinies are to him. He eventually notices you staring at his abs as you rub his feet, and he taunts you for your curiosity and interest. He invites you to rub his abs next and picks you up off the table to hold you in front of his stomach so you can comply. He tells you that you're doing a good job and asks you if you can feel your tiny friend inside him being digested. He laughs as he feels you kiss and lick his stomach, and after a while he decides to make you his second snack. He lifts you up and slowly brings you into his open mouth, and everything fades to black with an audible gulp once you're inside. The final scene is a third-position view of Primal rubbing his stomach and commenting on how tasty you were. Length: 10:29 |
* "Stink Shoes with No-Shows" - Primal keeps burping and bantering about how smelly his shoes and feet are, especially with the white no-show socks that he's been wearing for a week. He realizes that you're enjoying the sights and sounds and decides to playfully tease you about it.
Primal starts with his green running shoes propped up on a table in front of him. He keeps burping and talking about how big and stinky his feet are. Noticing you seem to be enjoying it, he grins and takes one of his shoes off and sniffs it, then tries to describe the odor. He takes off the other shoe and shows you the inside and outside of them up close. Next he smells his white no-show socks, which aren't very white on the bottoms anymore due to being worn for a week. He continues belching while he keeps telling you what you want to hear in relation to how bad his feet smell. He asks you if you want to smell them, then grins and says "too bad" as he smells them again. At the end, Primal props his bare feet up on the table and tells you that he would let you enjoy their scent if you bring cash with you next time. He flips you off and burps in your face one final time, then the video ends with him laughing at you. Length: 10:22 |
* "Cookie Crush Saga" - This is an unaware crushing of six large chocolate chip cookies that Primal has placed on his hardwood floor. While walking back and forth, his hightop shoes eventually reduce them to dust and crumbs.
Primal opens the video by taking a bite of one of the cookies and setting it down where five other cookies are already waiting. Two camera angles go back and forth to watch as Primal casually walks back and forth across the floor stepping on the cookies each time he passes them, seemingly not realizing they're even there. The first angle is a still shot on the ground in front of the cookies, and the second angle is when Primal picks up the camera and aims it down at the floor and his feet while he walks. For the first few minutes, Primal doesn't even talk, so you just hear his loud footsteps and the crunch of the cookies. Then he begins mockingly bantering about how he hopes nothing is in his way while he goes on this walk because anything that is will be crushed. Halfway into the video, Primal becomes aware that he's been stepping on the cookies and decides to finish them off by stomping them hard into tiny pieces and saying he'll be finding someone to eat them -- and he decides it's going to be you. We wouldn't want those cookies go to waste, would we? Length: 11:42 |
* "Fist Bump ASMR" - In this ASMR parody, Primal speaks in a low voice and uses the side of his fist to repeatedly make soft, tapping noises into his vlogging microphone.
Primal introduces the video in a whisper and begins tapping the sides of his fists together into his microphone. After a while of whispering, he begins talking in a low voice instead. After a while, Primal looks around his room for more objects to tap with his fist. He picks up one of his water bottles and taps the side of it for a moment, which also gives off the sound of water moving around inside of it. He grabs a Christmas card next and taps it, and this tap is louder than the previous ones. Primal playfully banters in low voices while he taps the objects. The next one he uses is a hardcover book. He flexes his muscles for the camera while he taps it. For the last tapping, he takes his stringer tank top off and taps his pecs with the side of his fist for a while. At the very end, he comically ups the pace and taps his chest as fast as he can with both fists at the same time. Length: 10:01 |
* "Shrunken Little Brother Stompdown" - In this roleplay POV, you're Primal's little brother and he just discovered your interest in being tiny and stomped by giants. He decides to reveal his ability to shrink people down and use it to fulfill your stomping fantasy so as to rid himself of his annoying brother for good.
Primal smirks as he tells you he saw your browsing history online and discovered your love of brutal giants. He wrestles you to the ground and uses his hand to shrink you down to tiny size, and a sound effect and visual accompanies it. He shows off his black hightop shoes he's wearing and tells you you're going to be the next little bug he stomps. You get stomped first by his shoes, then he steps on you while wearing socks and laughs as he says he's breaking your bones while you lay helpless. He compares your voice to an annoying fly and adds your new size is very fitting to how he perceives you. He finishes you off by slowly bringing his foot down and making squashing noises with his mouth, then celebrates being free of the annoying little runt you were to him. Length: 12:22 |
* "Shrunken, Stomped and Squashed" - When Primal catches you staring at him, he throws you to the ground, shrinks you down to tiny size, and stomps you flat.
Primal is wearing a hoodie with his back to you, but he turns around and catches you checking him out. He asks you what you're looking at, then grabs you and puts you on the ground like a bully so your perspective is now of him towering over you. Primal removes his hoodie and shirt then uses his hand to shrink you down to tiny size and immobilizes you so you can't move. A sound effect plays and a visual effect of you shrinking accompanies it. Primal starts by stomping you while wearing his DC skate shoes, laughing as he crushes your legs. After a while he takes his shoes off and repeatedly stomps your arms while wearing socks. The final phase is Primal stepping on your face and body barefoot and continuing to taunt you and call you names. After he gets his fill in bullying you like a helpless bug, a slow-motion stomp seals your fate, ending the video with a loud splattering sound effect that was edited in. Length: 12:54 |
* "Singlet Stink Bully" - Wearing a tight, green singlet that a fan sent him money to buy, Primal bullies you by putting his armpits in your face and sitting on you.
Primal starts by filming himself flexing in front of a mirror and showing off his lean body in the wrestling singlet. He tells you that you wouldn't survive in a match against him, nor would you be able to concentrate on the match due to his muscles and bulging manhood showing through the fabric. Next you get bullied by Primal putting his armpits right in front of the camera and taunting you for it. He laughs at your helplessness and sets you down on his mattress to stink bully you some more. He starts to squash your face by continuously sitting down on it, then he puts his feet in your face too. After bullying you verbally and physically for a while, Primal ends the fantasy wrestling match you were trying to have with him by frog splashing you several times while you lay on the mattress and commentating your defeat. He pins you with his armpit in your face for a count of three then declares himself the winner. Length: 11:25 |
* "Tiedstream" - In this dramatized scenario, Primal Instinks is filming a livestream for his fans, when suddenly he hears someone entering his house and winds up getting tied up and having his shoes stolen.
Primal starts with his shoes propped up on a table in front of his camera and welcomes everyone to his stream. He takes his shirt off and relaxes in his chair, keeping his feet propped up and talking to his fans. He pretends to read a chat message asking him to take his skate shoes off, so he does. He smells them and sets them down, then props his dirty socks in front of the camera. After a while, Primal suddenly hears a sound as if someone is trying to get into his house. He tells the chat he'll be right back and walks out of the room, leaving the camera running. The scene suddenly shifts to Primal back in the chair, but this time his arms are tied behind him, his mouth is duct taped shut with a sock in it, and his bare feet are tied together and propped up on the table. Primal struggles against the binds and calls out in muffled tones for help, but there's no one to help him. The livestream watches as he eventually tires out and appears to pass out in the chair as the scene fades out. When it fades back in, Primal is able to free his hands, and he removes the tape and sock from his mouth, unties his feet, and grabs his phone to report the break-in and theft of his shoes. Length: 11:27 |
* "Singlet Muscle Model" - A fan sent Primal money to buy a wrestling singlet to model in for video commissions, and in this one, he made the tight-fitting piece of clothing his own.
Primal acts cocky and talks about how lean and masculine he is while he flexes his muscles for the camera as if it's you watching him. He starts off with his arms, flexing his biceps and triceps, then he shows off his shoulders, chest, and back. He says he knows how much you enjoy what you're seeing. Primal puts his foot on a chair next and flexes his thighs and calves, and also shows off his feet for a while. He sits in the chair and brings attention to how his abs show through the singlet. He's also sure to mention how the bulge of his manhood is visible through the material too, and he's sure to show that up close during the modeling. Length: 10:25 |
* "Puny Shrunken Sister" - Primal pretends to have a tiny sister, who's represented by a Barbie Chelsea doll. Unfortunately for her, Alpha Primal is very mean to his puny little sister and likes to take advantage of their size difference.
Primal begins by flexing his muscles and bragging about how strong and alpha he is, when suddenly his tiny sister enters his room off camera. He gets annoyed at her intrusion and grabs her in his hand, going off on her and telling her she needs to be taught a lesson and calling her a tiny runt. Primal scares her by pretending like he's going to eat her, snapping his teeth at her legs while holding them close to his mouth. He bullies her by pressing her face into his stomach and telling her to kiss his abs, headlocking her into his armpit, and he also grabs her face between his toes and tells her to smell his feet. He steps on her and laughs while he bullies her. At the end, he places his shrunken little sister inside one of his shoes and presses the tongue of it down, sealing her inside to make sure she can't bother him ever again. Length: 11:36 |
* "The Second Crushing of Christ" - A fan who worships and admires Alpha Primal as a living god sent him money to buy a ceramic bust of Jesus so Primal can stomp it to pieces.
Primal begins the video by mocking the outdated views of religion, then he sets the Jesus figure on the floor and presses the sole of his black high-top shoe down over its face and tells it to kiss it. He mentions how Jesus was said to have washed peoples' feet during his life, and he commands him to worship his before he begins trying to crush it them. The ceramic the bust is made of is reinforced like stone resin, so Primal's constant stomps don't crack it at first. Instead, it starts scratching the hardwood floor, so Primal places the Jesus head on a piece of plywood and gets an idea. He grabs a chisel and hammer from his tool room and breaks a hole in the figure's face with them, almost like he was crucifying him to the wooden plywood. The opening in the ceramic was all Alpha Primal needed, because the next stomp causes the Jesus bust to completely explode into tiny pieces in all directions, resulting in a triumphant victory yell from Primal. He celebrates by continuing to stomp the pieces into smaller ones and crowning himself a superior, mortal god. Length: 11:30 |
* "Damaged Doll" - A fan sent Primal money to buy an Ariel doll to punish with his mighty feet, and that's exactly what ended up happening to her.
As commissioned, the doll's bra and fin dress were removed, leaving her topless and in a thong as she lies on the floor. Primal enters his bedroom hoping for something to squash and finds exactly what he was hoping to. He taunts the doll and begins stepping on it and grinding his foot on its body. The camera view switches back and forth from Primal's face as he sneers and insults Ariel to a floor view showing Primal's feet punishing the doll as he flattens her boobs, stomach, and face with his large feet. He starts off standing over her, then ends up sitting down so he can use both feet to attack her. He ends the torment by putting the toy brush that came in the package with the doll between his toes and brushing her hair with it while mocking her, then giving her one final stomp and leaving her naked and trampled on the floor. Length: 11:47 |
* "Tea Time is Over" - In case you couldn't tell by now, Primal will never tire of destroying things with his feet, and he enjoys being paid to do so by fans and admirers. This time, a ceramic tea mug is broken into pieces by the mighty force of his size 12 high-tops.
The mug is made of thick ceramic, and at first it shows resistance to Primal's tough stomps -- but that doesn't last long. As Primal continues bringing his foot down on it along with aggressive banter, the handle breaks off, and it all goes downhill for the tea mug from there. As one particular stomp results in the mug shattering to pieces, Primal lets out a victorious yell and pans around with the camera to show the scene. He continues grinding his foot on the broken bits, turning them more into dust and having a ball in the process. Length: 10:19 |
* "Crushing Soles Control You" - Speaking of size 12 high-top shoes... Alpha Primal uses the soles of his all-black Adidas shoes to hypnotize and intimidate you into serving him and sending him the tributes he deserves.
The camera is set on the floor in front of Primal while he sits on a chair in front of it, and it's angled up at him to give him the perfect position to hover his shoes right over you. As he raises his feet, he demands you to clean the soles of his shoes and tells you he would crush you like the model cars he's recently been paid to destroy. He stomps at you while telling you how much you deserve the treatment. After degrading you for a while, Alpha Primal stands up and continues controlling you with the soles of his shoes and his powerful words. He ends the session with a close-up of his shoe with his middle finger in front of it and a derisive laugh. Length: 10:55 |
* "Rich Bitch Cadillac Crush" - Another expensive car was purchased for Primal Instinks to destroy, and this time it's a pink lowrider Cadillac. Different car, same stompdown treatment.
As history shows, nothing is safe from Primal's size 12 feet, especially when they're in high-top shoes that have already claimed the lives of several model cars before this one. Primal shows off the car's features first, opening the doors, hood, and trunk and showing off the seats, then it's stompin' time. The pink vehicle stands no chance under the weight of Primal's feet as he stands full weight on it, then begins stomping and crushing it until it's totaled, leaving a lot of broken pieces scattered around its frame. Length: 10:31 |
* "Sports Car Stompdown" - A fan sent Primal extra money to buy a model sports car to crush with his black high-tops -- and crush that sports car he did.
Primal holds the small car in his hand and mentions how fancy and expensive it must be if it were a real car. He imagines a rich snob inside the car, sets it down, and begins stomping on it. Primal includes verbal carnage throughout the entire destruction of the car and shifts from a top view camera angle held in his hand to a side view set on the floor beside the car. Piece by piece, the door is stomped apart until all that's left is a shell of what once was an overpriced luxury vehicle. Length: 10:15 |