* "T-Wrex's Ticklish Footrest" - T-Wrex uses Primal Instinks as a footrest, and when Primal tries to object to it after a while, Wrex repeatedly tickles him in order to forcefully get him to agree to stop fighting his attempts to rest his feet on him.
Primal and Wrex are watching a show together, with Wrex sitting in a chair and Primal laying on his back on the floor beneath him. Suddenly Wrex, who's wearing designer socks with cheese patterns on them, puts one of his feet on Primal's chest, followed by the other. Primal sarcastically asks Wrex "are you getting comfortable up there?" Wrex responds by using the toes of one of his feet to tickle Primal's side while keeping the other foot rested on his chest. Primal begins laughing and complaining that Wrex is interrupting the show he's trying to watch. This causes Wrex to tickle Primal with both of his feet, rub his feet against Primal's face and chest, and even lift Primal's head with his feet and push it forward toward the TV for a closer look. Wrex removes his socks and uses both feet to tickle Primal's sides, stomach, and armpits while Primal lies on the floor laughing and complaining about missing the show he's trying to watch. After a while, Primal tells Wrex he needs to stop and leave him alone, but this only causes Wrex to get up from the couch, pin Primal's body down with his own, and tickle him more intensely using his fingers. Primal's laughs become hysterical as his defenseless sides, armpits, stomach, and legs are all repeatedly tickled by Wrex for several straight minutes. Finally, Primal surrenders and tells Wrex he won't fight him anymore about letting him rest his feet on him. Wrex sits back in the chair and puts one foot on Primal and tells him he has to rub it or else he'll get tickled again, and Primal fearfully complies. Length: 6:05 |
* "Photogenically Flattened Friend" (feat. T-Wrex) - T-Wrex discovers that Primal Instinks has the ability to shrink his own body down to smaller size, and he's also able to be flattened like a cartoon by Wrex and shaken back to regular size. The two friends decide to have fun with this for a while and test it out.
Wrex walks into a bedroom and sits down on a recliner chair. After crossing one of his legs over his ankle, he notices something stuck to the bottom of his shoe: it's Primal! He's represented here by a printed-out photograph on a piece of paper, which has the front of Primal's body on the front of it and a photo of Primal from the back on the backside of it to make it look as if he's completely flat. Wrex is unimpressed by this phenomenon at first, but then he laughs at Primal as he realizes he had accidentally flattened his body by stepping on him while he was tiny-sized. Wrex peels Primal from his shoe and shakes him, and in the following scene we see Primal, now in regular size and real-life form. Primal decides to sit in the chair Wrex was in and attempt to shrink his body back down to tiny size. It works, and after he slides down into the chair for a moment, the view switches to a wide-lens GoPro perspective of tiny Primal seeing Wrex from the chair. Wrex is amazed at what just happened and he decides to sit on Primal to flatten him again, turning him back into the front-and-back paper photo from butt-crushing him. After dropping Primal's flattened body and watching it float down to the ground, Wrex steps on it once more then sits down in the reclining chair and kicks his feet up on an Ottoman to relax with Primal's flattened body stuck to the bottom of his shoe. Length: 7:24 |
* "The Sneaky Rat Sniffs Again" (feat. T-Wrex) - Primal Instinks plays a sneaky, rat-like person who's waiting in hiding for the perfect opportunity to smell some stinky shoes, which is his favorite odor. He ends up finding sandals and feet to sniff to his joy.
T-Wrex walks through a hallway and into a bedroom yawning, announcing he's tired and could use a nap. He kicks off the sandals he's wearing in front of the bed then lays down and pulls the covers over himself and falls asleep. Primal pokes his head out from the next bedroom over, then creeps down the hallway and silently enters the bedroom Wrex is sleeping in. He tip-toes over to the sandals Wrex was just wearing, kneels down, and begins smelling them for a while. Primal occasionally smiles at the camera to show his joy in what he's doing, unbeknownst to the sleeping Wrex. Primal steps over to the end of the bed where Wrex's legs are at and slowly and carefully removes each layer of blankets and bed sheets that are covering them until Wrex's feet are facing Primal's face. Primal smells the bottom of Wrex's feet for a while just as he did with his sandals, smiling with satisfaction as his nose takes in the odor with each whiff. The camera films this scene from a few different angles. After getting a good fill of smelly feet, Primal accidentally burps, causing Wrex to stir in bed. Primal clamps his hands over his own mouth, but he knows it's too late and he's already blown his cover. He quickly replaces the blankets over Wrex's feet and rushes out of the room, down the hall, and back into the bedroom he emerged from. T-Wrex wakes up in bed, now alone in the room, and asks out loud why his feet feel cold, revealing that he didn't actually catch the sneaky rat in the act. He screeches loudly and thrashes the covers around on the bed for a moment in annoyance, then immediately falls back to sleep. Length: 7:07 |
* "Stop Pedal Stompin'" (feat. T-Wrex) - A while ago, a commission titled "Brake Pedal Pumpin'" was filmed where Primal Instinks rhythmically pumped the brake pedal of his Jeep barefoot while the vehicle was off and T-Wrex filmed it from multiple angles. Now, years later, Wrex was commissioned to repeatedly stomp the brake pedal of his truck barefoot while Primal films it from multiple angles.
Wrex, who's barefoot and not wearing a shirt, sits in the driver's seat of his truck the entire time while the engine is off. Primal's filming in the passenger seat next to him, and a GoPro camera is also filming from under the brake pedal. The camera view switches from the phone in Primal's hands to the GoPro under the brake, showing Wrex stomping the pedal from all angles. Primal also turns the camera on Wrex several times during the scene and Wrex shows off by flexing his bicep as he repeatedly stomps the brake pedal at random without any particular rhythm. Wrex also stomps both feet against the floorboard and moves his foot up and down the brake pedal in between stomping it loudly. The sound picked up from the GoPro camera is used in the video and turned up, making the stomping of the pedal loud and clear under Wrex's foot. After seven minutes of stomping the pedal and bantering, Wrex decides he wants to get out of the truck, so he exits the vehicle without a shirt or shoes and runs off. Length: 7:08 |
* "Wrexzilla's Appetite For Destruction" (feat. T-Wrex) - The giant beast Wrexzilla destroys another tiny town outside in the backyard, which is represented by cardboard boxes set up like buildings, and this time the beast is really hungry. Instead of using toy army men like in previous episodes, this time cereal pieces are placed atop the cardboard buildings to represent edible people so Wrexzilla can pick them up and eat them while he lays waste to their town.
A quick intro of news anchor Ronnie Ratley (played by Primal Instinks) describing the situation starts the video, then it kicks right into Wrexzilla thrashing about and screeching loudly as he advances on the cardboard city on the grass around him. Primal silently films the entire destruction, switching between full-body views of Wrexzilla from a low angle to close-ups of him stomping on the box buildings and eating the cereal pieces (people). There are no added sound effects or music so all you hear is Wrexzilla's screeching and natural destruction. Wrexzilla kicks buildings over, swipes them away with his hands, stomps them flat with his feet, slams them and throws them around, and rips them apart with his hands, often sending cereal pieces flying off of them in the process. He makes sure to stomp out some of the cereal/people on the grass who were knocked off the top of the buildings. His favorite thing to do with them though is to scoop them into his hands, drop them into his mouth, chew them up, and swallow them to satisfy his mighty hunger. After the entire city has been leveled, Wrexzilla turns his attention to the camera and advances on it. The view drops down and turns up toward the sky as Wrexzilla towers over it, screeches while raising one of his feet, and brings his foot down on it with a heavy stomp. Bonus footage at the end of the video shows Wrex's dog (who we called Dogzilla in this particular scenario) eating the leftover bodies of the cereal people off the grass in the backyard. Length: 6:00 |
* "Skivvies Scrimmage" (feat. T-Wrex) - This wrestling match picks up where the "Last Man Sagging" extra left off at. In that video, Primal Instinks lost a wrestling a match against T-Wrex, and at the end Wrex pulled Primal's shorts off and used them to tie his wrists together behind his back while he laid defeated on the ground in an effort to embarrass him for losing. In this sequel, Primal has returned to challenge Wrex to a rematch, and this time he's wrestling in his boxer shorts since his shorts were taken in the previous bout.
The wrestling takes place on a queen-sized mattress. Primal is cocky and confident in this match just as he was in the previous one, but just like in the previous bout, he's also proven to be no match for the larger and stronger T-Wrex. Primal tries to hit Wrex and put him in various wrestling holds but Wrex always manages to reverse them and get Primal into painful holds instead. Primal winds up getting picked up, carried around, and thrown down onto the mattress several times, as well as getting put into a painful leg bar and receiving a headbutt from Wrex. When Primal refuses to stay down, Wrex puts him in a few rear choke-holds for a while while the two are lying on their backs on the mattress. After wearing his opponent down by throwing him down and choking him, Wrex rolls Primal onto his stomach and pins him by laying on top of him with his entire body. Primal groans and tells Wrex he got him but Wrex continues laying on Primal until he counts out loud from one to ten, ensuring his official victory. Wrex stands up, roars, and celebrates his second win over Primal and stomps him a few times while Primal remains lying still on the mattress below him. Wrex grabs Primal's head and puts it between his ankles and painfully squeezes it as a final victory move to embarrass Primal for losing again. Length: 6:48 |
* "Dapper Destruction Dialogue" - This is a Primal Instinks solo where he, acting as a giant monster who's wearing an open suit and dress pants, narrates his destruction of a tiny town which occurred before the start of the video. The one-sided conversation has Primal describing in detail how good it felt to lay waste to the town over a cellphone to the scientist who created him, and all the while he's holding a tiny car in his hand and peering into it from time to time to look at the frightened people believed to be inside it.
T-Wrex silently films the scene. It opens at a ground angle as Primal walks into his bedroom barefoot, looking dapper with his blazer unbuttoned, showing his bare chest and abdomen. He's carrying a dress shirt and tie over one arm and clutching a toy car in his hand. Primal smiles and peers into the car, a trophy he took from the tiny town he just demolished like a vengeful giant. His words to the people in the toy car are interrupted by a phone call. Primal speaks to the scientist on the other end of the phone (who's voice isn't heard) and begins a long, uninterrupted dialogue about the wonderful chaos he was just responsible for. He starts at the beginning and goes all way to the end, sparing no details about every building, vehicle, and person he had to lay waste to who unfortunately crossed his path. He requests that next time he not have to wear a suit, since approaching the town from the sea like Godzilla caused it to get wet. At the end of the conversation, the scientist mentions that Primal's latest act of destruction was on the news. Primal hangs up the phone to watch a little of the footage, then he turns his attention back to the tiny car in his hand and promises the frightened people inside that there will definitely be more destruction from him in the near future. Primal laughs, then turns and walks out of the room. Length: 5:11 |
* "T-Wrex's Flattened Friend" - This T-Wrex solo is a perspective/POV video where it's made to look like he sits on (and later steps on) a tiny version of Primal Instinks and flattens him to the size of a round disc like they do in cartoons, then picks him and shakes him to return to him to normal size -- only to flatten him again for his own amusement.
Primal is never seen on camera but he provides a voice-over (in his regular tone of voice) for the parts where he isn't "flat." There are no sound effects edited into the video. A wide-lens GoPro camera is used to show the perspective of Primal as he's assumed to be smaller than his normal size and sitting in a chair. Wrex walks into his field of view and suddenly bends over, noticing something on his shoe. Primal, who now has Wrex's butt right in his face, tries to yell out for Wrex to move, but Wrex isn't able to hear him on account of Primal's tiny size. Wrex loses his balance and falls backward onto the chair and lands right on Primal (the camera). Primal's voice gets cut off as he's now perceived to be flattened, and when Wrex notices this, he begins laughing at Primal's cartoon-like state. Wrex lifts the flat Primal off the chair and inspects him closely, smirking at him and making jokes about what happened. Suddenly Wrex gets an idea. He shakes Primal to restore him to his unflattened state, and Primal's voice is heard again. Primal is asking Wrex what he did to him but Wrex still can't hear him, so he sets him on the floor and has another devilish idea: he raises his foot over Primal then steps on him using his shoe, causing Primal to get flattened again and leaving him unable to speak once more. Wrex is having fun at Primal's expense with this, and he lifts him up again and laughs more at his flattened state. He shakes him back to normal size then sets him back on the chair he was sitting on and informs him of his plan to keep flattening him and shaking him back to size again and again for fun. As Primal tries to protest, Wrex sits on him one final time and stays there for a while making fart noises which are muffled from him sitting on the camera, while everything is completely dark until the video ends. Length: 4:35 |
* "Tied Tickle Pit Fit" (feat. T-Wrex) - Everyone likes to see Primal Instinks get tickled, and we totally know why -- he's the most ticklish guy out there!
This scenario extracts more of that relentlessly-tickled laughter from Primal as his wrists and ankles are tied together with twine and he's tickle-tortured all over by T-Wrex. Wrex keeps Primal's arms behind his head so that he has better access to specifically tickle Primal's armpits for the majority of the playful torment. Wrex uses his fingers to tickle Primal at first, but then he starts including his toes in the tickle action too. Along with Primal's armpits, Wrex also tickles him on his sides and abs as well as the back of his legs, which are all his most ticklish areas on my body. At one point, Wrex stands up on the bed that Primal is lying on during the tickling and moves his foot back and forth really fast against Primal's abs, causing him to cry out in a funny mixture of pain and ticklishness. Wrex also lies on his back on the bed and tickles Primal with both his feet while using his hands to tickle the back of Primal's legs at the same time. After five minutes of nonstop tickling and laughter, Wrex uses his foot to push Primal off the bed so that he falls off the side of it right in front of the camera that's filming the scene. Primal climbs back onto the bed and dives onto Wrex but gets thrown off him at the video's end. Length: 6:51 |
* "Super Stinkbag Bully" (feat. Lord Rubix) - Lord Rubix administers the ultimate stinky, breath-taking punishment to Primal Instinks in this wild stunt, pushing his senses and oxygen limit to the max. Primal gets hogtied with twine and has one of Rubix's dirty socks taped inside his mouth, gets subjected to Rubix's unwashed armpits as well as some tickle torture, gets one of Rubix's smelly shoes tied over his nose with his other dirty sock inside of it, and finally has a plastic bag tied around his head so he's left tightly tied up with the taste of a dirty sock in his mouth and the smell of a stinky sock and shoe in his nostrils -- and on top of everything else, his oxygen supply is slowly running out as he's forced to re-breathe the foul air in the transparent plastic bag around his head while Rubix is taunting and teasing him the entire time.
Rubix growls and pounces on Primal as he's lying on his stomach on his bed and uses twine to bind his wrists together behind his back. Next, he uses the twine to bind Primal's ankles together, then connects his bound wrists and ankles together so he's now tied on his belly in a hogtie fashion. A single, still camera is used for the entire duration of the video, and it occasionally zooms in at the right moments to capture the best angles. Rubix tickles the defenseless Primal's sides for a while, causing him to laugh uncontrollably, then he silences his laughter by balling up one of the dirty, black ankle socks he wore over and stuffing it inside Primal's mouth, placing a strip of duct tape over Primal's mouth to keep it in place. He tickles Primal some more after this, resulting in laughter that's now muffled through the sock and tape. Rubix takes his shirt off and forces Primal to smell each of his armpits for a while by individually hooking each of his arms around Primal's head so his nose is directly in his pits. Fun fact: Rubix didn't shower for two days before stopping by to film this video with Primal and he doesn't use deodorant. Rubix tickles Primal a little more in an effort to cause him to breathe in more of his pungent body odor in between his laughter. Rubix stuffs his other dirty sock down inside one of his high-top Vans shoes and uses the twine to tie the shoe to Primal's face so that his nose is trapped inside of it, ensuring Primal's only way of breathing now entails him having to smell the stinky shoe and the sock that's in it. After more tickle torture, Rubix grabs a transparent plastic bag and places it over Primal's head then uses the twine to tie it around his neck with a tight knot behind Primal's head so it stays on. Primal is now slowly suffocating on the stink of Rubix's sock and shoe tied over his nose. Rubix places the squeaker from a dog toy in one of Primal's tied hands so he can squeeze it when he's ready to signal his surrender. He kneels on the bed over Primal and watches him as he wriggles and struggles against his binds, breathes as best as he can through the shoe and bag, and begins groaning as the minutes tick by and his air begins running out. After bravely lasting for just over three minutes, Primal finally squeaks the toy to signal his surrender. Rubix reaches over to remove the bag but isn't able to immediately untie the knot he made, causing Primal to cry out in fear and try to roll over, making it harder to free him. It takes Rubix about 8 seconds after Primal surrendered to remove the bag and return desperately-needed oxygen to Primal's brain. Primal had to lay still for a moment after being freed because the late save caused everything to go black and he nearly went unconscious! At the end, Rubix unties Primal while he catches his breath and remarks with a laugh about how much fun he had taking on the thrilling, gross, and perilous stunt with him. Length: 11:50 |
* "Twine-Tied Floor Bagging" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Lord Rubix hogties T-Wrex's limbs together with twine, duct tapes his mouth shut, and uses the twine to tie a transparent plastic bag around Wrex's head. Rubix gives Wrex a squeaker from a dog toy so he can squeeze it whenever he's ready to give up after surviving as long as he can in this scary, breath-taking scenario.
Wrex lies on his stomach on the floor as Rubix ties his ankles together, followed by his wrists, then binds his ankles and wrists together behind him in a hogtie fashion. Wrex is nervously bantering throughout the duration of the tying so Rubix places a strip of duct tape over his mouth to muffle his speech. After tying the bag to Wrex's head, Rubix places a squeaker in one of Wrex's tied hands and leaves him to take on the frightening challenge while Primal Instinks films it. Wrex breathes in the bag for several minutes until it starts fogging up to where you can hardly see his face anymore and his breaths begin turning into desperate grunts. In order to add to the entertaining discomfort, Rubix whips Wrex with some of the leftover twine, writes "Loser" on a sticky note and places it on the bag on his head, steps on him, spanks him, tries tickling his feet, and verbally taunts him. Once T-Wrex has had enough, he squeezes the squeaker in his hand to signal his surrender and Rubix unties the bag from his head and releases him from his binds. While Wrex recovers and catches his breath, Rubix places the "Loser" sticky note on the side of Wrex's face as Primal zooms in on it for a funny outro. Length: 6:07 |
* "The Human Chair" (feat. T-Wrex) - In this simulated scenario, Primal Instinks and T-Wrex are discussing a new chair they just purchased while standing right in front of it. After a lengthy and taunting discussion about it, they both sit on the chair a few times for a while. As it turns out, their new "chair" is actually a person who's face is tied in place of the seat and gets cruelly sat on by both of them!
A GoPro camera is placed on a chair and facing Primal and Wrex the entire time, capturing their cruel exchange about their new human chair and representing the perspective of the person's face that's tied to it. The camera also captures the view of their butts coming down as they sit on it, and while they're on it, everything goes dark for a while until they decide to stand back up. During the verbal exchange, Primal is telling Wrex how comfortable the new chair is and how much he enjoys hearing it struggle to breathe under his weight while he sits on it. He also jokes that if you happen to fart while sitting on this chair, it will conveniently breathe in the foul smell of it so nobody else has to. Wrex is intrigued by all of this and is eventually convinced that it sounds like a great idea. He decides to give the human chair a try and sits down on it for a while. As he remarks about how comfortable it indeed is, his words are muffled as a result of him sitting right on the face of the human chair (the camera). Primal sits on it for a while next, then the two of them have the great idea to both sit on it at the same time for a while. After they finally get up, they both agree they'll be sitting on this chair all the time now, and Primal leans in and taunts the human chair to its face by saying neither of them will even remember it's a person anymore in a few weeks and that they'll just see it as an actual chair from here on out. He ends the scene by telling it up close that it will be their toilet next. Length: 10:48 |
* "Stinkshoe Abandonment" (feat. K2) - K2 needs to leave the house for a moment to go to the store but he's not about to leave Primal Instinks unattended while he's gone. As a precaution, he hogties Primal's limbs together using duct tape, tapes his mouth shut, then tapes one of his stinky athletic shoes in place over his nose with one of his dirty socks inside it and leaves Primal on the bed like this for a full six minutes until he returns.
Primal's laying down on his bed like he's about to take a nap when suddenly the bedroom door opens and K2 walks in. He announces he's leaving and that he doesn't trust Primal to be home alone. Primal protests that he's just going to be napping, but K2 walks up with a roll of duct tape and begins binding Primal's limbs to ensure he doesn't go anywhere. K2 starts by duct taping Primal's ankles together while he lies on his stomach, followed by taping his wrists together behind his back, and finally connecting his taped wrists and ankles together behind him in a hogtie fashion. As an added precaution, K2 puts a few strips of tape over Primal's mouth to ensure he stays quiet, then takes his athletic shoes and socks off, places one of his socks inside one of his shoes, and tapes the inside of the shoe directly over Primal's nose so it stays in place. K2 leaves the bedroom and closes the door and for the next six minutes, Primal is left alone groaning and wriggling in this abandoned state of being taped up tight and forced to smell a stinky shoe taped to his face. After six minutes, K2 returns and sarcastically asks Primal if he got into anything while he was gone. He uses a cellphone to film footage of Primal struggling against his binds on the bed up close for a minute and the camera switches to show his 360 degree view of Primal's situation. K2 finally sets the phone down and frees Primal from the shoe and tape since he doesn't have to worry about him acting up while he's gone anymore. Length: 12:38 |
* "T-Wrex Extended Body Pin Bully" - T-Wrex, playing a bully role, pins Primal Instinks on the ground using his body weight and refuses to get off of him for a full fifteen minutes. Primal's 150-pound figure is no match for the 200-pound dinosaur squatting down on his abdomen and picking on him for not being able to sit up!
Primal's pushed onto his back on the floor by Wrex, who positions his body over Primal's so it's now pinning him down by sitting with his knees to the floor, his legs behind him, and his butt sitting on Primal's core. Wrex laughs at Primal as he pleads and protests in character as a weak nerd who's trying to bargain with his bully to get off of him but failing. He gets slapped around at times, taunted a lot, gets his mouth covered to silence his calls for help, and he even tries to push the big bully off of him numerous times, but nothing he tries works. The nerdy Primal's nervous laughter gradually turns to frantic panic as the video progresses, but this only makes his bully want to torment him more. Only after fifteen minutes passes does T-Wrex finally get off of Primal and walk away, causing Primal to scream out in agony once he's alone as a result of what he just endured. Length: 15:30 |
* "Double Team Footrest Tickle" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - T-Wrex and Lord Rubix team up on Primal Instinks by tickling him all over while Rubix uses his face as a footrest for fun. Primal isn't tied up for this one so he gets to try and defend himself from the four hands and feet that are making him laugh out loud, but he's still unable to stop any of it.
The three friends are sitting against the wall, and Primal is trying to be nice to his friends. Wrex and Rubix both give him a look, however, and they suddenly push him to the floor, pin down his limbs, and tickle him in all his most ticklish places. He tries to protect his sides and legs, his most vulnerable areas, but he's laughing too hard to sit still and is unable to prevent it from happening. While this is going on, Rubix, who's still sitting against the wall, puts both of his feet on Primal's face, pinning it down and using it as a footrest while he reaches over and tickles him. Primal turns his head to the side and continues laughing loudly in response to the nonstop, two-person tickling he's unable to defend himself against. The two pals go on a wild tickle frenzy at one point where Wrex moves his fingers so fast they actually dig into Primal's sides and cause him to laugh and say "ow" at the same time -- effectively tickle-hurting him. After the frenzy ends, Rubix stands up and repeatedly steps on Primal's face as he continues lying on his side on the floor, then Wrex rests one of his feet on Primal's head while Rubix reaches down and tickles him all over his abs. The continuous attack finally ends after Wrex tells Primal he has to ask them nicely to stop, making him try again with the word "please" in it the second time before leaving him be. Length: 6:28 |
* "Home Jackers in Jeans" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - T-Wrex and Lord Rubix play home burglars who tie up Primal Instinks and gag him using their hands and duct tape so they can steal his valuables and make an easy getaway. All three of them are wearing blue jeans for this scene.
Primal is pushed to the ground by the burglars, who are carrying twine and duct tape with them. Rubix pins Primal's body to the ground by sitting on his stomach with Primal's arms under his legs and his hands pinned under his feet, and he presses the palm of his hand against Primal's mouth to silence his cries for help. When Primal keeps trying to talk, he presses his other hand over the hand already over Primal's mouth, administering a double-force gag. While Rubix is keeping the captive quiet, Wrex is tying Primal's ankles together with the twine. After this is complete, the two switch, so Wrex is now using his hand to gag Primal while Rubix ties Primal's wrists together with the twine. With his limbs now bound, Primal continues trying to yell out in fear, so Rubix punishes his attempt by pinching his nose shut for a while with his hand still clamped over his mouth. Realizing he isn't going to listen to their orders to stop trying to make noise, the two burglars wrap duct tape over Primal's mouth and go around his head with it three times so that a permanent gag can be put in place. They use their hands to press down on the tape a few times to ensure it's nice and tight. They then work together to use the twine to tie Primal's bound wrists to his legs just under the knees so that his arms and legs are now tied together, ensuring he won't be going anywhere soon. Now that Primal's completely quiet and helpless, Wrex begins searching their captive's bedroom for valuables while Rubix taunts the captive. Rubix again pinches Primal's nose shut with his fingers in a cruel act to make him suffer and fear them even more. After this, Rubix joins Wrex in searching the entire room for things they can steal, opening all the closet doors and looking behind everything in sight while ignoring Primal's muffled pleas from the floor. Once the two burglars have taken what they wanted, they both make their escape from the room, leaving their tied captive to helplessly wriggle around and moan in a muffled manner through the tape around his mouth until the scene fades out. Length: 6:24 |
* "Body Pin and Head Sit Bullies" (feat. T-Wrex) - Primal Instinks and T-Wrex take turns pinning each other down for five minutes using their body weight, then they sit on each others heads for 30 seconds afterward. Both are barefoot and wearing t-shirts and blue jeans for the scene.
With Lord Rubix filming, Primal and Wrex are standing up at the beginning of the video, but Wrex quickly pushes Primal onto his back on the ground. Wrex positions his body over Primal's abdomen so he's now pinning him down with his weight by sitting on his abs with his knees on the floor and his legs behind him. Wrex pins Primal down in this position for five minutes and the two provide entertaining banter throughout the duration of it. After the five minutes is over, Wrex gets up, and Primal, still on his back, turns his head to the side as Wrex sits on it next. The weight against his head is pretty painful, but it only lasts for 30 seconds. Next, Primal pins T-Wrex's body and sits down on him the same way that Wrex did to him, also for five minutes. The two banter again for the entire five minutes, then Wrex turns his head to the side and Primal sits on Wrex's head for 30 seconds in order to get him back for doing it to him. Length: 11:29 |
* "Toy Soldier March" (feat. Nawh) - Nawh debuts in his first and only video commission where he and Primal Instinks place an entire set of toy army men on the floor and have to walk back and forth over them without flinching or paying attention to them being on the floor beneath their feet.
This challenge has two rounds and a bonus round. In the first round, both friends are wearing socks as a handicap as they walk on the pointy toys below them; Nawh's socks are grey with black and Primal's wearing one white sock and one black sock. In round two, they're both barefoot, and at the end there's a bonus round where they do jumping jacks and pogo on the toys as a funny and painful outro. The camera angle is set low on the ground in front of the line of toy soldiers so that every step on them can be seen up close, showing the sides and bottoms of both friends' feet as they walk back and forth in a line. At the end of both rounds, the camera angle temporarily changes to a ground point-of-view facing up as if it's from the perspective of one of the toy soldiers so it appears that Primal and Nawh are both stepping on you a few times as they go back and forth first in socks, then barefoot. Both pals keep entertaining banter going together throughout the entire duration of the challenge, cracking jokes and acting as if they aren't even aware that there are toys on the floor that they're stepping on and doing their best to hide any pain they may be experiencing from doing so. After completing both rounds, Nawh does six jumping jacks on the pile of toys while Primal films it, followed by Nawh filming Primal as he pogos up and down on the pile a few times, causing both of them some entertaining pain to see as an outro. Length: 6:30 |
* "Lord Rubix Psycho Cellmate" - Primal Instinks and Lord Rubix act as two prisoners who have just been arrested and are sitting in a holding cell together, both in handcuffs. Primal fears for his life when his cellmate Rubix turns out to be a psycho who enjoys repeatedly smothering other people until they're about to pass out!
Primal and Lord are sitting side by side on a bed with their wrists handcuffed in front of them. Primal expresses disappointment about getting caught and Rubix asks him what he's in for. When Primal replies that he was arrested for theft, Rubix remarks that he hates thieves. Primal scoffs and asks Rubix what he did, and when he replies "attempted murder," Primal laughs in disbelief. However, when Rubix elaborates that he doesn't actually try to kill anyone and simply likes to push them close to that point and make them think they're going to die, Primal's disbelief turns to shock and uneasiness. Suddenly Rubix pulls out a hidden key from his shorts pocket. As Primal looks on in amazement, Rubix uses the key to free himself from his handcuffs. Primal asks for his cuffs to be opened next so the two could possibly make a break for it, but Rubix informs him that he has a better idea in mind for a thief like him. Rubix pushes Primal onto his back on the bed then sits over top of him, keeping Primal's cuffed wrists pinned behind Rubix's legs so he can't use his hands to his defense. Rubix uses the palms of his hands to smother Primal by pressing down over his nose and mouth. Primal kicks his legs and tries to call out for help through Rubix's hands, but his muffled cries go unheard. Rubix occasionally looks around to make sure no one is coming and continues suffocating his cellmate until he's frantically screaming for air. Rubix eventually lets go but doesn't even give Primal much of a chance to catch his breath before he smothers him again.... and then again, and another time. Each time Rubix torments him, he forces him to hold his breath longer, with the first smother lasting for 29 seconds, the second one for 32 seconds, 36 seconds for the third, 48 seconds for the fourth, and then a grueling 1:33 for the fifth. As a bonus, Rubix applies one final additional smother for 1:27 just to show how much of a psycho cellmate he really is. Fortunately for Primal, Rubix heard the detention officers approaching in the distance after the sixth one or else he would have kept going with them until Primal eventually passed out. Before the guards reach their cell, Rubix gets off of Primal and reapplies the handcuffs to his own wrists so they wouldn't suspect anything. He tells Primal to sit up and act natural and threatens that he better not mention to anyone what just happened to him. Primal, shaken with fear over being repeatedly smothered again, sits up and agrees to stay quiet. Length: 9:17 |
* "K2's Tied Tickle Test" - This scenario puts K2's skin to the test when Primal Instinks hogties him with duct tape, ties a sock into his mouth, and tries his best to tickle K2's feet, sides, and armpits with his hands.
K2 is fully clothed at the beginning of the video, including wearing socks and shoes. He's lying on his stomach on the bed looking very tired like he needs a nap. Primal interrupts his nap time by announcing he's about to give him a tickle test. Primal uses duct tape to bind K2's wrists together behind his back, and he tapes K2's ankles together next. After this, Primal uses more tape to connect K2's wrists and ankles together behind him in a hogtie fashion so K2 can no longer defend himself against the imminent tickling. Finally, Primal tells K2 to "open up," and when K2 opens his mouth, Primal pulls a long, black sock between K2's lips and ties it tightly behind his head. Announcing the start of the tickle test, Primal first removes both of K2's shoes he's wearing and begins tickling his sweaty socks with his fingers. K2 manages to not wiggle around or laugh from this, so Primal pulls K2's socks off and begins tickling his feet instead. K2 still manages to be a trooper about it, successfully refraining from laughing from being tickled all over on the bottoms of his feet. Primal tries tickling his sides and armpits next, getting a small reaction from reaching in and tickling his armpits, but nothing much aside from that. As further proof he's able to withstand the tickling, K2 looks like he's actually going to continue on with his nap on the bed, even in a hogtied state. Primal grabs the camera at one point and holds it right in front of the bottom of K2's tied feet, showing up close that he is in fact tickling him and not getting a reaction. Primal finally declares K2 to be unticklish for the most part and congratulates him for passing the test. He helps K2 remove the tape holding him and the scene ends with a close-up of K2's face as he pulls the sock out from his mouth and throws up a victory pose for the camera. Length: 5:34 |
* "How To Treat a Tiny Captive" (feat. T-Wrex) - T-Wrex, a giant, is playing with a tiny captive of his, which he likes to be nice to as if it's his favorite toy. Primal Instinks decides to step in and show Wrex the real way to treat a tiny captive -- and it's nothing nice!
A wide-lens GoPro camera's view represents the perspective of a silent, tiny captive for the entire duration of the video. Wrex is alone with it at the beginning, talking to it almost like it's a baby. Wrex gently tells the little man in his hands that he's happy to treat him well and offers to place him on the bed next to him so he could be more comfortable. Suddenly Primal walks into the scene and asks what's going on. Primal is disgusted to see Wrex coddling the tiny captive in his room and informs him that he's doing it all wrong. Wrex protests that tiny slaves always get treated badly and he's trying to be better about it, but Primal cleverly convinces Wrex to believe that the tiny captive actually prefers to be abused over being babied. Wrex hesitantly hands the captive over to Primal to demonstrate, who sets it down on the floor "where it belongs." He then begins stepping on it barefoot and holding his toes over it, telling the tiny man to smell his unwashed feet. Primal laughs cruelly, telling Wrex the little guy enjoys it, and this causes T-Wrex to join in with his foot. Primal continues verbally berating the tiny captive, telling him he will next have to spend time in his underwear smelling his butt. The captive gets lifted up and turned so it can see Primal pulling the waistband of the rear of his boxers out, and it's then placed inside of them. Everything goes dark for a while after this, and Primal's taunting words can be heard as it sits inside. Primal removes the captive from his boxers and tells Wrex to give him the same treatment. Wrex thinks about it then takes the tiny and places him inside the back of his underwear and leaves him there for the rest of the scene. In the ensuing darkness, the two giants agree that this is in fact the way that tiny slaves should be treated, and the last thing heard before the video ends is a loud farting sound followed by laughter. Length: 8:34 |
* "K2 Psycho Cellmate" - Primal Instinks and K2 act as two prisoners who have just been arrested and are sitting in a holding cell together, both in handcuffs. Primal fears for his life when his cellmate K2 turns out to be a psycho who enjoys repeatedly smothering other people until they're about to pass out.
Primal and K2 are sitting side by side on a bed with their wrists handcuffed in front of them. Primal expresses disappointment about getting caught and K2 asks him what he's in for. When Primal replies that he was arrested for theft, K2 remarks that he hates thieves. Primal scoffs and asks K2 what he did, and when he replies "attempted murder," Primal laughs in disbelief. However, when K2 elaborates that he doesn't actually try to kill anyone and simply likes to push them close to that point and make them think they're going to die, Primal's disbelief turns to shock and uneasiness. Suddenly K2 pulls out a hidden key from his shorts pocket. As Primal looks on in amazement, K2 uses the key to free himself from his handcuffs. Primal asks for his cuffs to be opened next so the two could possibly make a break for it, but K2 informs him that he has a better idea in mind for a thief like him. K2 pushes Primal onto his back on the bed then sits over top of him, keeping Primal's cuffed wrists pinned behind K2's legs so he can't use his hands to his defense. K2 then uses the palms of his hands to smother Primal by pressing down over his nose and mouth. Primal kicks his legs and tries to call out for help through K2's hands but his muffled cries go unheard. K2 occasionally looks around to make sure no one is coming and continues suffocating his cellmate until he's frantically screaming for air. K2 eventually lets go but doesn't even give Primal much of a chance to catch his breath before he smothers him again.... and then again, and another time. Each time K2 torments him, he forces him to hold his breath longer, with the first smother lasting for 34 seconds, the second one for 43 seconds, 48 seconds for the third, and finally a grueling 1:40 for the final one. Fortunately for Primal, K2 heard the detention officers approaching in the distance or else he wouldn't have let go for that final time until Primal was unconscious. Before the guards reach their cell, K2 gets off of Primal and reapplies the handcuffs to his own wrists so they wouldn't suspect anything. He tells Primal to sit up and act natural and threatens that he better not mention to anyone what just happened to him. Primal, shaken with fear over being repeatedly smothered again, sits up and agrees to stay quiet. Length: 6:10 |
* "Double Angle Oxygen Restriction" (feat. Lord Rubix) - Primal Instinks' breath-holding limits get pushed to an ultimate test in this scenario with Lord Rubix using a pair of handcuffs as well as his hand over Primal's nose and mouth to ensure it.
Primal is sitting in the chair, and Rubix pulls Primal's arms behind his back and handcuffs his wrists together behind him through the back bars of it. Primal now can't use his arms to his defense and is now also cuffed to the chair. Primal asks why Rubix is doing what he's doing to him, to which the soft-spoken Rubix replies "well, you said you could hold your breath for a while, so we're going to test that theory." The nerdy Lord Rubix, curious of how long his impressive pal's brain can really endure being deprived of precious oxygen for, begins applying a series of tough tests by using one of his hands to tightly pinch Primal's nose shut with his thumb and index finger and cover his mouth with the palm of the same hand so Primal can't breathe. With Primal's arms restrained to the chair, he's forced to hold his breath for as long as Rubix wants to see him go without oxygen for. Two camera angles are shown at the same time in a split-screen format, with a side view being shown on the left and a front view shown on the right. The side view switches between being a full-body view and a closer view every other round, and the front view remains a close-up of Primal's neck and abdomen, showing the diaphragm contractions he endures from not breathing for so long. Rubix ends up smothering Primal a total of six times back-to-back, giving him little time to catch his breath in between each round and not allowing him to breathe-up beforehand, instead only letting him take a quick breath in as he sees the hand coming for his nose and mouth each time. A timer appears on the screen every time Primal is forced to hold his breath, and each time Rubix blocks Primal's breathing, he does it for longer and longer. Primal endures each round as long as he calmly can until he reaches the point where he's kicking his legs, stomping his feet, squeezing his eyes shut, throwing his head back, and making desperate sounds into Rubix's hand to signal he needs air badly. Rubix, appearing stoic as he casually plays on his cellphone in his free hand except for an occasional amused grin whenever he glances at Primal, pushes Primal's limits more and more each round, leaving the viewer wondering how Primal manages to stay conscious, especially during the last few rounds. Primal holds his breath for 37 seconds and 46 seconds in the first and second round as a build-up, followed by 1:15 in the third and 1:27 in the fourth. He's forced to hold out for 1:55 and then 1:56 in the fifth and sixth rounds, and the struggle was very real for him during those final two! Length: 11:32 |
* "Enrique's Giant Gym Trainer" - This Primal Instinks solo is a point-of-view video where the camera shows the perspective of Enrique, a man who goes to a gym trainer for tips on how to get the best out of his workout routine. After the trainer (played by Primal) initially greets the unseen man and steps out of the room for a moment, Enrique is suddenly shrunken down to a tiny size, and when Primal returns, he's unaware that Enrique is still in the room with him. After Enrique finally manages to get noticed by Primal, he accidentally ends up as his snack!
The scene opens with a quick dialogue between Enrique and the gym trainer Primal discussing the workout plan for the day. A deep voice is dubbed over for Enrique during the short conversation. Primal excuses himself momentarily so he can change his clothes then walks out of the room, and suddenly Enrique's perspective begins slowly lowering to the ground, accompanied by mystical sound effects. As Enrique shrinks smaller and smaller, his surprised voice gets higher and higher until he's now ant-sized on the floor. A wide-lens GoPro camera is used for this perspective for the remainder of the video. Primal returns, disappointed to see that Enrique has seemingly left the room. Unaware that he's tiny on the floor in front of him, Primal begins stretching out and preparing to work out by himself. Enrique's tiny voice (which is actually Primal speaking in a high-pitched, dubbed-over voice) continuously calls out to Primal, but the giant trainer towering over him is unable to hear him. Enrique decides to admire the giant's lean muscles as he stretches and flexes them in front of him, still unaware that Enrique has somehow shrunken and is watching him. As Enrique continues trying to call out to Primal, the giant trainer suddenly hears a tiny, buzzing voice somewhere around him. He looks around but finds nothing and decides to sit down for a moment, nearly crushing Enrique in the process. With Primal's butt right in front of his view, Enrique decides to poke it in order to get his attention. Primal sits up and leans forward, finally noticing the tiny man in front of him and recognizing him as a shrunken Enrique. After laughing at his small size for a moment, he picks him up and slowly moves him around in the air, scaring Enrique, before setting him back down. The giant trainer says he's going to go get help for Enrique, but first he needs a snack, so he begins eating crackers from a box next to Enrique. Enrique, annoyed that food is being put before his well-being, climbs into the box of snacks in the hope that it will get Primal's attention. Unfortunately, Primal didn't see what happened, and he grabs Enrique out of the box and slowly raises him to his mouth without looking. As Enrique futilely calls out in fear, he's placed inside Primal's mouth with the view fading black as his mouth closes. The last thing heard in the darkness is a few chewing sounds, followed by a GULP. Length: 7:35 |
* "The Bandana-Blinding Bandit" (feat. T-Wrex) - T-Wrex plays a passive cowboy character who winds up getting captured and humiliated by a town ruffian played by Primal Instinks. The bandit blinds and gags Wrex with bandanas, tapes his wrists behind his back, takes his clothes, then tapes the poor fellow to a chair and leaves him to try to escape by himself as a twisted game for his own amusement.
Wrex, dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, is writing some notes for himself in front of the camera when he's suddenly ambushed by Primal, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, from behind. Primal sneaks up and points his finger into Wrex's back, claiming to have a gun in order to scare him into not moving. Wrex obeys his captor's commands and winds up getting a bandana tied over his eyes so he can no longer see. After blinding him, Primal takes off T-Wrex's shirt and tosses it aside, saying it will fetch a good price for him later. He then duct tapes Wrex's wrists together behind his back and removes his jeans, leaving him standing in his boxer briefs. Primal uses another bandana to gag Wrex by pulling it tight inside his mouth under his teeth and tying it behind his head. Showing his evil side, the captor then pushes Wrex onto his back on the floor and tells him to try to get up. Every time Wrex attempts to sit up, Primal pushes him back down with either his hands or foot and taunts him for it, adding some gut-stomping and face-slapping to it as well. After several failed attempts, Primal turns Wrex over onto his belly and stands full body-weight on his back for a while, holding onto a wall beside him for balance. Wrex keeps calling out in fear and protest through the bandana in his mouth while Primal laughs and taunts his helpless situation. After this, the captor declares he has a great idea and he lifts Wrex up from the ground and sits him down in a chair, then uses duct tape to bind each of his ankles to the front legs of the chair. He also secures Wrex into a sitting position by going around his waist and the back of the chair with tape. Primal then makes his cowboy captive a deal: if he can free himself from this situation before Primal returns from leaving the room for a while, he can go free. Primal walks off camera and leaves Wrex alone to try and escape. After a good struggle, which is shown from a closer angle, T-Wrex triumphantly manages to break his wrists free from behind his back. He pulls the tape off his waist and then frees each of his ankles then stands up and removes both bandanas from his face. He rushes over and picks up his shirt and jeans and puts them both on quickly, finishing just as the captor returns. The captor congratulates the frightened cowboy for winning his game and tells him he's free to go, walking him to the door and asking him "no harm, no foul, right?" in a comically twisted way. The passive, simple-minded cowboy answers "I guess," as he exits the doorway. Length: 12:39 |
* "Perp Walk and Sock Hop" - This solo scenario consists of Primal Instinks wearing an orange pair of plaid boxers and white, crew-cut socks with gray on the bottoms and acting out a "perp walk" with duct tape over his mouth as if he's being led away or kidnapped.
Primal's standing barefoot in his boxers with the white socks and his athletic shoes on the floor in front of him. He sits down and puts on the socks, followed by his shoes, then stands back up and grabs a roll of silver duct tape. He uses the tape to seal his mouth shut by going around his head three times. After this, he grabs a pair of handcuffs and uses them to secure his wrists together behind his back as if he's been arrested. Primal begins slowly walking back and forth and up and down in front of the camera as if being led away by police or a kidnapper, making nervous and confused noises through the tape on his mouth. Every now and then, he twists and struggles while walking as if fighting back against what's happening to no avail. After three minutes of perp walking, Primal kicks off his shoes, momentarily frees himself from the handcuffs, then grabs the duct tape and uses it to tape his ankles together with the socks still on his feet. After this he re-cuffs his wrists behind his back and begins hopping back and forth and up and down as if he's trying to escape from a captor. While hopping around, Primal wriggles around and lets out angry and pleading sounds through the tape on his mouth, sometimes looking right at the camera. After Primal gets tired out from hopping around for several minutes, he sits down on the floor and tries to wriggle against his bindings for a while, then lies down on his belly and tries some more. Unable to get free, he eventually pretends to faint from exhaustion and the scene fades out with him lying motionless on the floor. Length: 10:02 |
* "Tied and Tickled at Their Feet" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Primal Instinks gets double-team tied up and tickled on the floor by T-Wrex and Lord Rubix while they sit side by side in chairs above him.
Primal is doing push-ups on the floor in front of Wrex and Rubix but he quickly gets interrupted when the two of them begin whipping him with twine in their hands. As he drops down onto his belly, Primal gets tied up by his two friends, with Rubix tying his ankles together and Wrex tying his wrists together behind his back. Now in a vulnerable position below them, Primal begins helplessly struggling and laughing loudly as Wrex and Rubix start tickling him using their hands and socked feet. While the video begins with the two ticklers wearing socks, they start taking them off two minutes into it so they're now using their bare feet and toes to tickle Primal as he laughs nonstop beneath them. Along with the constant tickling, Primal also gets slapped with socks, has Wrex's sock pulled against his nose and mouth for a while, and even gets a wet toe willy from his friends. Halfway into the bullying, they turn Primal over so he's now lying on his back with his arms still behind him and they continue tickling his sides, abdomen, legs, neck, and armpits, and stamp their feet against his face and use him as a footrest. When they finally decide they've had enough fun at his expense, Wrex and Rubix leave the room and close the door behind them without freeing Primal from his bindings, only to return shortly after to mess with him a little more before the scene ends. Length: 8:17 |
* "Reverse Crabs of Steel" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Similar to the "Crabs of Steel" challenge just below this one, in this episode T-Wrex has to lie on the floor on his stomach and let Lord Rubix stand on his back while using his toes to pinch him like a crab for as long as he can endure. Will it be a comforting back walk for Wrex or will it be as painful as it was for Primal Instinks when he previously had it done to his abs?
Wrex lies comfortably on his belly and Rubix stands full body weight on his back while holding onto a nearby wall for support with Primal filming from a distance and going in for close-ups. Wrex's relaxed position and lack of grunting suggest that he's feeling no pain from the experience, even after Rubix begins pinching him all over his back with his toes. After a few minutes though, Wrex begins grunting when he talks, revealing that it does start to hurt after a while. Once Wrex makes it to five minutes of Rubix standing on him and pinching him (including pinching the back of his neck at one point), the three decide that he's successfully completed the challenge so Rubix steps off of him. As a bonus round, Primal stands on Wrex's back for a while and has Rubix get back on to administer a rapid "multi-pinch" with his toes as a final test. T-Wrex stands up and shows off how red his back is to the camera then puts Primal in a full nelson so Rubix can tickle him a little bit as a funny outro. Length: 7:23 |
* "Crabs of Steel" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - The "Crabs of Steel" challenge is a lot similar to the popular Abs of Steel series on the channel -- but in this scenario, the person standing on the abs of the other friend is using their toes to pinch the skin of their chest and stomach like a crab in order to make it even harder to endure!
Primal Instinks lies down on the floor on his back and Lord Rubix stands full body weight on his abs while holding onto a nearby wall for support with T-Wrex filming from a distance and going in for close-ups. The goal is to endure it as long as possible, and Primal quickly finds out that it's harder than he thought it would be. As Rubix slowly crushes his abdomen and repeatedly pinches his nipples and stomach with his long toes, Primal's face gets redder and his grunts get louder as he tries his best to hold out as long as he can. It also doesn't help his situation that he's really ticklish and the pinches are also making him laugh along with the grunts of pain. In the end, Primal survives for about two and a half minutes before giving up, which is still impressive given the pinching and tickling along with the crushing weight. Afterward, Primal stands up and shows off how red his stomach is and Wrex and Rubix pick on him for a little before the video ends. Length: 4:11 |
* "Caught in the Giants' Room" (feat. T-Wrex) - The wide-view GoPro camera on the floor represents your perspective as you're caught scampering around in the bedroom of Primal Instinks and T-Wrex, two giants who just love tormenting and humiliating tiny individuals such as yourself. Off-screen, the camera is held and moved around by Lord Rubix, giving the impression that it's a living, mobile person who's now trapped and trying to run for his life but ultimately meets their end.
The video begins with you running around on the carpet when suddenly the bedroom door swings open and Primal and Wrex immediately notice you. Towering above, they kneel down to inspect you then instantly laugh at what they've discovered in their room. They mock you for your tiny size and laugh at the fun they say they're about to have at your expense. The two giants make a deal with you: if you can run past them and make it out of the bedroom, you can go free. If you fail, you'll get repeatedly stomped, and if you give up, you'll get crushed. One at a time, they repeatedly challenge you to try to avoid them and escape out the open bedroom door but each time you try, one of their giant feet comes down and blocks your path. Every time you get stopped, you either get blocked, stomped, or pushed back by their feet with a laugh at your constant failure. You end up under their feet and between their toes a lot at this point during each futile attempt. After this round of fun, Primal and Wrex each sit on the floor acting apologetic and inviting you to walk over to their outstretched feet, one giant at a time, assuring safety and protection... only to clamp their toes around you and call you a gullible sucker when you do! The two giants then push you over so you're looking up, loom over you, and administer a double stompdown to you for a while in order to drain your energy. Afterward, they dare you to stand up again if you want more but you choose to stay down in order to signal your surrender. Seeing your exhaustion, they give you one final choice: walk over to which of them you would like to meet your end from. You look up at both of them as they smile wickedly at you, then slowly walk toward T-Wrex. "Good choice," Wrex says, as he uses his hands to perfect the angle of where you are on the floor. He raises one foot and then the other a few times, then leaps from the ground and comes down with a slow-motion elevator stomp on you with both feet, and the last thing you hear as the view fades to black is a heavy stomping sound accompanied with a crushing splat. Length: 12:10 |