* "Triple-Taped Burglary" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Lord Rubix finds himself the victim of a home burglar who uses lots of duct tape to heavily gag him several times and bind him to a chair and bed then escape with his money.
Rubix is sitting in a chair reading a book when he hears a knock at the door. Before he can open it, Primal Instinks lets himself inside the house with a box in his hand claiming to have a package for him. He silences Rubix's questions with his hand over his mouth and tells him to take a seat back in his chair. Primal opens the package to reveal two rolls of silver duct tape inside and it becomes clear he's not an actual deliveryman. Primal quickly tapes Rubix to the chair, binding his ankles and wrists in the process, then tapes around Rubix's mouth a few times to gag him. He leaves to search for Rubix's money but Rubix manages to free his mouth from the tape enough to call out for help. Primal returns, angrily removes the tape from Rubix's mouth, and forces one of Rubix's socks from off his feet into his mouth and tapes it tightly in place before walking off again. Rubix shakes the chair around and this causes the burglar to return once more. This time Primal angrily rips all the tape off Rubix, carries him upstairs, and throws him onto a bed, taping each of his limbs spread-eagle to every corner of it. Primal frees Rubix's mouth so he can tell him where his money is but Rubix screams for help instead, causing Primal to tightly re-tape around Rubix's mouth ten times with his sock stuffed back in it. Primal finally finds Rubix's money, places a strip of tape over his eyes to blind him, and escapes, leaving him in a bound position on the bed. The scene fades in to T-Wrex entering the bedroom and discovering his friend Rubix taped to the bed. He frantically frees him and then goes to call 911 while Rubix breathes a sigh of relief that he survived the encounter. Length: 18:48 |
* "Houdini Primal" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Primal Instinks ties the underwater breath-holding record of the magician Houdini in this video while his wrists are handcuffed and Lord Rubix is holding his head under the water in a bathtub for three and a half minutes.
Primal's longest breath-holding records have all been performed on land and it's because it's actually harder for him to last as long underwater. He was commissioned to give it his best shot at reaching 3+ minutes though and was successful. Primal's laying in the tub on his back with his knees bent and his feet against the wall, and Rubix is kneeling down over him with his knees between Primal's hips. Rubix cuffs Primal's wrists together behind Rubix's body, then after taking a few minutes to breathe deeply in and out, Primal takes a deep breath and holds it and Rubix pushes Primal's head underwater and uses the palm of one hand over his mouth to keep him held under and the fingers of his other hand to hold his nose shut. T-Wrex films the video and keeps track of Primal's time, calling out whenever he reaches 1:30, 2 minutes, 2:40, 3 minutes, and finally 3:30. Primal signals he's done after hearing 3:30 and Rubix lets his head come up out of the water so they can celebrate his achievement and uncuff him. Length: 6:23 |
* "Stinkpit Wedgie War" (feat. T-Wrex) - Primal Instinks challenges T-Wrex to a war of smelly armpits and underwear wedgies but he's about to find out the true cost of war by doing so!
Wrex is trying to mind his own business when Primal confronts him, looking for trouble. A back-and-forth battle ensues which is best described as a wrestling match mostly consisting of stinkpit submission holds and wedgies. The war might seem fairly matched at first with each contender applying an equal amount of underwear tugs and stinkpit sleepers, but as it continues, it becomes clear that Wrex has the size advantage over Primal. At one point Wrex lifts Primal over his shoulder while nearly ripping his boxers from pulling them up so hard then drops him onto the bed. In the end, Primal is put into a painful submission where he's pinned on his belly by Wrex's foot on his back while Wrex yanks his boxers up from under his shorts. Primal is forced to surrender the war he started, learning a valuable lesson about peace among men, armpits, and underwear alike in the process! Length: 5:59 |
* "A Giant Favor For Wrex" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - T-Wrex enjoys playing video games, but it hasn't been the same for him ever since his tiny human good luck charm had to leave. Wrex's winning in his games has turned to losses as a result and it's clearly bumming him out, so it's up to his friends to make things right again.
After seeing him play poorly, Primal Instinks excuses himself to make a private phone call to Lord Rubix in order to ask him a favor. When the scene fades back in, Rubix enters the bedroom they're in and props his feet up toward the camera next to Wrex. When he sees Wrex fail to win his games, he pulls out a tiny action figure of a person from his pocket, much to Wrex's surprise. Rubix explains that Primal had called him and asked him to retrieve Wrex's tiny human so his good luck in gaming could return, and it instantly does. The three friends celebrate the return of the beloved tiny man by giving him a welcome back stompdown with their feet, and the camera switches to a floor POV when it happens. The three agree to only stomp the little guy whenever they're together, and the tiny man is placed in a shoebox as a makeshift home for him. However, he is then sneakily retrieved from the box one at a time by each of the three friends who speak kindly to him and give him light, private stompdowns to show their appreciation of his return. Rubix visits him last, and after the stomping, he places him at the end of the bed he sleeps on, right in front of his feet. Length: 14:01 |
* "Double Body Sit Bullies" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - T-Wrex and Lord Rubix have been taking turns bullying Primal Instinks by sitting on him and pinning him to the ground, but now they both get to do it at the same time.
The two of them pin Primal down for a total of five minutes, with Rubix sitting on Primal's stomach and Wrex on Primal's legs. They're both facing forward with their knees on the floor between Primal's body. Rubix is wearing jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, and black socks; Wrex is wearing jeans and a t-shirt; and Primal is wearing sweatpants and no shirt. Primal occasionally tries to plead with the bullies and ask them to get off him but they completely ignore him every time. Instead, they talk among each other about why they're picking on Primal as if he's not even there, despite him being pinned directly below them. After three minutes of this, Wrex and Rubix switch places so Wrex is now sitting on Primal's stomach and Rubix is sitting on his legs. They continue pinning him and bantering among themselves for another two minutes before they decide to get up and go get something to eat without him, leaving him on the floor by himself as they walk out of the room. Length: 5:58 |
* "Nipple Crippler" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - T-Wrex is known for having a tough hide and thick skin, and his pain tolerance is put to a test in this video.
Primal Instinks handcuffs Wrex's wrists together behind his back while he sits in a chair. Primal begins a series of pain tolerance tests on Wrex's nipples, starting with level one of moderate pain and working up to level three of major pain. Lord Rubix films Wrex's reaction to each test. Level one consists of casual pinching of the nipples followed by finger-flicking of the tip of the nip. Wrex shows no indication of pain to this first test, so Primal advances. Level two begins with what Primal calls the two-finger steamroll, where he uses his thumbs and forefingers to grind the tips of Wrex's nipples between his fingers. Primal then uses Wrex's nipples like knobs he's turning to try to find a clear signal on a radio, twisting them both with his fingers at sharp, quick intervals. Wrex still shows no sign of being hurt. Level three arrives, and this is where Wrex finally shows minor responses of pain. Primal grabs Wrex's entire nipple with his whole hand and tugs on it hard as if he's trying to rip it off. Him and Rubix count down to three and then flick the same nipple as hard as they can at the same time, and Primal applies constant "purple nurples" by twisting Wrex's nips back and forth. Primal also attaches a noseclip to one of Wrex's nipples, making it look like a piercing. After he succeeds in getting T-Wrex to finally show a little pain, Primal sits in the chair and lets Wrex and Rubix give his nipples a quick pain test as a bonus round to see what it's like, but they instantly apply level 3 tactics on him which instantly causes him to laugh and yell out loudly. Length: 10:44 |
* "Lap Stack Stomach Sitting" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Everyone gets a taste of stomach sitting in this scenario! Not only that, but it's a double portion of it because it's the combined weight of one person sitting on another person's lap who's sitting on the stomach of the third.
T-Wrex is laying on the couch on his back and Primal Instinks walks in and sits down on his stomach. When Wrex doesn't respond to the weight, Lord Rubix walks into the scene and sits down on Primal's lap so Wrex is now getting the combined weight of both of them on his abdomen. After two and a half minutes of being sat on and having his nipples pinched, Wrex says his legs are starting to get numb so they all change places. Primal is next to lay on the couch. Wrex sits on his stomach and Rubix sits on Wrex's lap so now Primal has both of their weight crushing him and making it audibly harder to breathe. Rubix adds to the torment by tickling Primal's legs and inner thighs while Wrex slaps Primal's face and clamps his hand over his mouth for a while until three minutes of pain passes and it's time to switch again. Finally, Rubix lays on the couch and Wrex sits on his stomach first, followed by Primal sitting on Wrex's lap. Wrex takes Rubix's glasses and puts them on, then him and Primal continue poking and slapping Rubix while he groans and struggles to breathe with their combined weight on him. He gives up after 2 minutes of pain and gets a stinkpit from Primal and a near face-sit from Wrex as punishment for not making it to 3 minutes. Length: 9:18 |
* "Lord Rubix Body Sit Bully" - After T-Wrex has had his fun with it a few times, it's Lord Rubix's turn to bully Primal Instinks by sitting on his body to pin him down on the ground.
Primal gets sat on for ten minutes in this one and he's wearing sweatpants and no shirt while Rubix is wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. The dialogue in this episode consists mostly of Primal repeatedly asking, demanding, and pleading with Rubix to get off of him, and Rubix replying with various ways of telling him "no." For the first six minutes, the body pin is of Rubix sitting down on Primal's abdominal region with his knees on the floor between Primal's hips, facing him. For the final four minutes, Rubix turns his body so he's now facing the camera and sitting completely full weight on Primal's stomach, and the crushing effect of this change is evident on camera! Length: 10:16 |
* "Tickled at His Feet by His Feet" (feat. T-Wrex) - Primal Instinks is in a vulnerable position in this scenario but that's exactly where T-Wrex wants him: this way he's able to tickle Primal with his toes, put his feet on Primal's face, and even make Primal kiss the bottoms of his feet unless he wants to get stomped!
Wrex is like a royal commander in a throne and Primal is like a lowly servant on the floor below him. Whenever Wrex orders Primal to kiss his feet in between using them to tickle and step on him, Primal complies. His complaints are drowned out by his own laughter in response to Wrex rubbing his foot against his abs and poking his toes into his sides. At one point Wrex leans forward and pulls Primal's legs in toward his head then uses his fingers to tickle Primal's inner thighs while continuing to attack him with his feet. Primal helplessly wriggles around with laughter, much to Wrex's amusement. In the end, Primal is made to be a footrest for T-Wrex, who leans back in the chair and places both feet right on Primal's face, pinning it down to the ground he's laying on. Primal, thinking his tormenter may have fallen asleep, eventually slides out from under Wrex's feet and tries to escape but Wrex leaps up from the chair and goes to choke him out for his foolish attempt. Length: 7:51 |
* "The Dirty Sandal Sniffer" (feat. T-Wrex) - While T-Wrex is sleeping in a comfy chair with his feet propped up on an Ottoman, Primal Instinks sneaks into the room he's in and gets away with smelling his worn sandals and dirty feet for a while before he wakes up.
The camera uses a still angle facing Wrex and his feet, which he has propped up in front of it with his ankles crossed. Primal carefully opens the bedroom door and closes it behind him then tip-toes over to Wrex's feet, which still have his sandals on them. One at a time, Primal slowly removes the sandals from Wrex's feet and begins smelling each sandal up and down in front of the camera for a while. Next, Primal starts smelling Wrex's feet all over, which are noticeably dirty. At one point Primal brings the camera in to show them up close then puts it back down and resumes smelling them. Wrex stirs a little in his sleep but doesn't wake up, and Primal is sure to keep an eye out for him while he sneakily sniffs his sandals and feet, making sure his nose makes contact with them with every whiff. At the end, Primal accidentally burps, causing Wrex to begin to wake up. Primal dashes out of the room and closes the door behind him before Wrex can sit up in his chair, leaving him wondering what just happened. Wrex asks out loud why his sandals are off but the sneaky rat has already made a clean getaway! Length: 7:29 |
* "Breath-Holding Borderline Blackout" - Primal puts his full breath-holding talent on display for you here, where he manages to power through to five minutes and seven seconds without oxygen, causing him to briefly convulse, become reddish-purple in the face, and appear to lose consciousness. Despite all of this, he managed to barely stay awake through it like a champion!
The video begins with Primal breathing up for one minute by taking slow, deep breaths in and out and lying on his back on his bed. He then takes a deep breath through his nose and holds it and a timer appears on the screen to count how long he holds it for. Primal doesn't move for the first three and a half minutes of his breath-holding feat. Once he makes it 3:45, Primal uses the fingers of one hand to pinch his nose shut in order to prevent his body from forcing him to breathe through it. At the 4 minute mark, he briefly exhales a tiny bit of air through his mouth and fights himself from gasping any back in and the diaphragm contractions continue. At the 4:50 mark, he briefly covers his mouth with his other hand to combat the intense diaphragm contractions he's enduring until they subside five seconds later, then he lets go of his mouth again. At 5:03 he shows off by letting go of his nose as well, and for the last four seconds he continues holding his breath on his own until he finally exhales at 5:07 and takes another immediate deep breath and holds it. Primal holds his breath through the duration of the sudden partial blackout he experiences then lets it out and catches his breath while relaxing with his arms behind his head with a smile on his face to show he's alright. Length: 7:20 |
* "Butt Hover Crusher" - Who's a fan of the signature 'butt crush' attack from the stompdown videos? If you are, then this one's for you! It's a Primal Instinks solo where he hovers his butt over the camera, first while wearing shorts and later in just his boxers, and lowers it closer and closer to you until he finally flat-out crushes you and leaves you to suffocate on it at the very end.
A GoPro camera with a wide lens pointing up from a chair gives the perspective you're a tiny person sitting down with Primal standing over you like a giant. Primal notices you, taunts you for being tiny and a "butt nerd," then turns around and hovers his behind right over the camera for you to fear. Primal wears black shorts for most of the video, but toward the end he takes them off and continues intimidating you with his rear in orange boxers by shaking it back and forth and moving it up and down like he's doing squat exercises, verbally taunting you with it while he does. Once he tires of taunting you, Primal tells you to enjoy your last view then slowly lowers his rump right onto the camera and sits on it. Everything goes dark and you can hear Primal's muffled voice still taunting you, making fun of your futile attempts to escape and wondering out loud how long you can hold your breath as you're suffocated under his buns. After about a minute, he notes your movements have stopped and says "goodnight!", then the video fades out. Length: 6:58 |
* "A Ticket to Tickle Town" (feat. Lord Rubix) - Whether he likes it or not, Primal Instinks has earned himself a one-way ticket to tickle town, and Lord Rubix is going to be the one who takes him there, even if it means hogtying him against his will!
The hogtie happens at the very beginning where Rubix secures Primal's wrists together behind his back, ties his ankles together behind him, and then joins his tied wrists and ankles in the middle behind him with twine. Primal's mouth is left open so his impending, uproarious laughter will be heard loud and clear for the stationary camera filming from the side. Rubix hits with Primal with a nonstop combination of extreme tickling and foot-bullying where he puts his feet on Primal's face and rubs his dirty socks against his nose and mouth. He gets creative with the torment at times by sitting on Primal and tickling his sides, pinning Primal's legs down with his knees and tickling the bottoms of his feet, and standing up so he can press his foot against Primal's face and tickle the back of his legs at the same time. Rubix adds to the entertainment by speaking in a voice similar to "Macho Man" Randy Savage at times. Rubix doesn't give Primal a break from being tickled, foot-bullied, or both, and the laughter from Primal proves that it's very effective against him. Rubix's smile reveals how much fun he has picking on Primal like this and it foreshadows that there will be more trips to Tickle Town to come! Length: 9:17 |
* "Triple Trouble Underfoot" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Have any of you stompdown fans ever wondered what it would be like to be trapped under the feet of three people at once? This POV perspective video turns that idea into a simulation you get to see.
Primal Instinks, T-Wrex, and Lord Rubix are all sitting in chairs in a triangle formation with a GoPro camera pointing straight up at them. Using the wide lens feature, it gives the perspective that you're very small compared to the three giants above you. Throughout the entire duration of the video, all three friends are holding their feet above the camera and making it seem like you're very close to being stomped out at any moment. They switch from hovering their feet in place to moving them around a little bit, and at times they even fight with each other to be the one who's going to eventually crush you. There's constant banter between the three friends as well as plenty of taunting of you for your tiny size and vulnerable position below them. After about six minutes of suspense, they finally decide at the end to finish you off, and all three of them prepare both of their feet up above you, count down from three, and then bring all six feet directly down onto the camera, making it look like you got six-foot stomped. They stand up and give the camera a back-to-back, three-person butt-crush as an outro. Length: 6:51 |
* "Non-Musical Human Chairs" (feat. T-Wrex & Lord Rubix) - Welcome to a game of musical chairs minus the music and with people in place of the chairs! The three friends take turns sitting on each other on the couch as a fun game, and each one of them gets sat on by the other two for three minutes each while they lay on their back.
It happens to T-Wrex first after he lays on the couch to try to take a nap. Lord Rubix and Primal Instinks have other plans for him when they both sit on his body, with one sitting on his legs and the other on his chest. As he tries to rest, they slap him, pull his body, give him a wet willy, and make fun of him for three minutes until it's time to change places. Wrex gets up from the couch and pushes Primal onto it next, and Wrex and Rubix sit on his chest and waist as he lays on his back. They both begin tickling Primal on his sides and the inside of his thighs, causing him to laugh loudly, and at one point they use his own hand to repeatedly slap him in the face while tickling him. They also lap-stack sit on him where they sit on each other while sitting on Primal, adding to the crushing weight on his chest. Lastly, it's Rubix's turn to lay on the "comfy" couch while Primal and Wrex sit on his chest and legs. Primal bounces up and down on Rubix's chest with his bony butt to add to the discomfort while Wrex takes Rubix's glasses off his face and wears them as a gag. Wrex slides over and sits on Rubix's chest and pinches his nose in order to make him sound more nasally while Primal moves over and sits on Wrex's lap for a moment to add to the weighted pain. Primal even sits on Rubix's head for a little bit before the 3 minutes runs out, then the three friends slap each other in the face as an outro. Length: 10:32 |
* "Baghead Wrestling" (feat. Lord Rubix) - It's exactly what it sounds like: wrestling, but with someone getting a plastic bag held around their head as a submission move!
This starts off as a regular, unscripted wrestling match on a queen-sized mattress between Primal Instinks and Lord Rubix. Rubix strikes first, pushing Primal's head into the mattress, then he climbs on his back and painfully pulls both of his arms behind him for a while. Primal responds by attempting to put Rubix in a rear-naked choke, but when Rubix resists, Primal ends up getting him in a full nelson instead. Rubix decides to turn up the heat and grab a transparent plastic bag and put it over Primal's head. Rubix rolls behind Primal so they're both now sitting on the mattress with Primal in front, and Rubix uses one arm to keep the bag held airtight around Primal's head and his other arm to hold one of Primal's arms down on the bed. Rubix uses one of his legs to pin Primal's other arm down so he's now defenseless against the suffocation attack he's enduring. Primal kicks his legs and breathes heavier and faster in the bag as it begins to fog up and the oxygen inside becomes replaced with recycled carbon dioxide. Rubix becomes more entertained the more Primal struggles and he winds up holding the bag over his head until Primal can't take it anymore and finally taps his arm to submit. Rubix removes the bag and Primal lays back, winded and in need of catching his breath, but before he can Rubix pulls the bag over his head again for a while to make him suffer a little more! Afterward, he pins Primal for a count of three for the victory, but he's still not done with him yet. As a finale, Rubix pushes Primal down onto his back on the mattress, pulls the bag around his head once more, then presses down on Primal's nose and mouth with his foot so he can't breathe at all. Weakened from the bagging, Primal struggles but can't push Rubix's foot away, and after a while of audible smothering, he pretends to faint in order to throw the match. Rubix calls him a loser, slaps him the face, and accepts his victory. Length: 7:26 |
* "Gag-Tied Stinkfoot Tickle Bully" (feat. Lord Rubix) - The Primal-Rubix dynamic is on full display in this scenario where Lord Rubix ties Primal Instinks' wrists together behind his back using twine, gags him with one of his socks, and relentlessly tickles Primal while making him smell his shoes, feet, and other sock for added torment.
Rubix shoves Primal onto his back on his bed then sits on his legs so he can't escape while he binds his wrists together using twine. Next, Rubix grabs one of his black socks he wore over and forces it into Primal's mouth and uses duct tape to seal it in. While continuing to sit on Primal's legs, Rubix begins tickling him all over, getting his thighs, sides, abs, and armpits, resulting in excessive, muffled laughter from Primal through the sock taped into his mouth. Rubix, with his panther tattoo visible, breaks out into a smile while he plays his favorite game of cat and mouse with Primal the rat! Rubix presses his foot over Primal's nose while he tickles him for a while, followed by holding one of his smelly work shoes over it next. Rubix then dismounts from Primal's body and begins an all-out tickle and stink attack while Primal's forced to laugh hysterically and wriggle helplessly, enduring the nonstop tickling from all over, the smell of Rubix's feet, and the taste of his dirty sock all at once. At one point Rubix even stands on the bed and grips his toes over Primal's nose so he can't breathe while clawing at his ticklish body. At the end, Rubix picks up the camera and films Primal's face up close while he puts his foot on it and tickles him with his free hand for a while as a finale. Length: 8:17 |
* "Dirty Blue Sockdown" - The stompdown videos are normally always filmed barefoot as part of the channel lore, but in this scenario Primal Instinks is wearing a blue pair of socks for the stomping -- a dirty pair of socks, that is. He'd worn these socks off and on for a week and a few days before changing them, and for this video he grabbed them out of the laundry basket so he could wear them again while he steps on you.
The scene opens with a top view of the socks on Primal's feet. Wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts, Primal places the camera on the floor facing up at him as he towers over it and begins taunting you. He repeatedly steps on the camera and also moves each foot up and down right over the lens while telling you to smell his stinky socks. After a while he pulls up an Ottoman and sits down on it then holds both feet up above the camera, asking you how they smell. He stands back up, takes his shirt off, and begins aggressively stomping you harder, wondering out loud if you'll be able to take it. He pulls one of his socks off and makes it appear as if he aggressively shoves it into your mouth, then steps on you with his other foot for a while while continuing to call you names and make fun of you. With one final taunt, he reclaims his sock from your mouth then lowers one of his feet directly over the camera so the view goes dark until the video ends. Length: 6:49 |
* "The Rubix Underfoot Experience" (feat. Lord Rubix) - Filmed with a GoPro camera giving the impression you're a tiny, shrunken person, you find yourself under the feet of Lord Rubix, who's sitting in a chair and appears in this perspective as a giant to you. All you can do is sit and watch as he holds his feet above you, leaving you wondering if he's going to crush you with them or not.
While he hovers his feet overhead, Rubix taunts you and calls you names in his soft-spoken, serious manner. Primal Instinks, who's standing in the background, joins his friend in adding to the taunting banter at your expense. While they both make fun of you, Rubix hovers and moves his feet around right in front of your field of view. Three and a half minutes into the video, Primal joins Rubix in taunting you by sitting on Rubix's lap in the chair and raising his feet above you along with him. You now have four feet hovering above your field of vision threatening to stomp you out at any moment as both of the giants above you continue taunting you for your size and situation. At the end, Primal gets up from the chair and Rubix swings both feet rapidly at you as if he's stomping you out, then places both his feet directly on you, leaving everything to go black for a while. The video ends with Rubix putting one of his toes on the camera and making a kissing sound toward you as if it's a kiss goodnight. Length: 5:42 |
* "Shakin' Stompdown" (feat. T-Wrex) - T-Wrex is in a stompy mood as always, but today he's also in the mood to dance... dance all over you, that is. A GoPro camera set on the ground gives the impression that Wrex is towering over you while he dances and jumps around to a catchy alternative song that's playing from the computer nearby, and he winds up stepping all over you in the process.
Wrex is wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans in this scenario. He enters the bedroom where you're sitting on the floor, a tiny ant in size compared to him, and he uses his foot to push you over onto your back so the perspective is now pointing up at the ceiling with him towering over you. An alternative song called "I'm Shakin'" begins playing and Wrex starts to dance to it right over you. It's no surprise that in such close proximity you wind up getting stepped on many times by Wrex as he's dancing and jumping up and down above you. He slides his feet back and forth right over you and taps on you with his toes a few times as the song continues, enjoying himself and the melody. As the song ends, Wrex raises his foot one final time, wiggles his toes around, then slowly brings his foot down on you as a finisher. After he removes his foot from the camera, he turns around and walks out of frame. Primal Instinks, who had also been dancing to the song off camera, runs up to the camera and tries to dance but Wrex shoves him out of the frame and screeches into the camera as the video ends. Length: 4:13 |
* "Little Fart Boy" - You're the size of ant and Primal Instinks just found you in his bedroom. He decides he wants to have fun with you at your expense by talking down to you, wiping his dirty feet on you and making you smell them, putting you inside of his shoe for a while, putting you inside the back of his boxers a few times, and even farting on you for added humiliation.
This tiny-person perspective video was filmed with a GoPro camera so that Primal appears to be a giant compared to you. You see his big feet go back and forth right across your eyes then you see one of his shoes as he shows you the inside of it. He picks you up and places you in it, and as he puts his foot inside of it, you see it coming down and trapping you inside for a while. Primal taunts you in a mean way throughout the entire duration, puts you in between his toes, and picks you up and lowers you into the back of his boxers so that you're trapped against his butt. He sits down and leaves you there for a while and forgets about you for a moment. He pulls you back out, squats down and farts right on you, then after claiming you as his new toy, he places you back into the back of his boxers to stay and walks away as the video fades out. Length: 14:29 |
* "Silent Body Pin Bully" (feat. T-Wrex) - This version of the Body Pin Bully series was commissioned to be a little quieter, so it was. The entire time T-Wrex is pinning Primal Instinks' body to the ground using his own body weight by kneeling forward and sitting on his abdomen, and unlike the previous episodes where the usual banter is heard, this time there's no talking. Wrex is wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans and Primal is wearing sweatpants and no shirt.
The only spoken line comes from Primal saying "get off of me!" once at the beginning after Wrex approaches him relaxing on the floor and sits down on him. After that, Primal just struggles helplessly underneath Wrex and grunts in response to the weight on him, and Wrex just stares down at Primal the entire time straight-faced as if he's unhappy or bored with him. Wrex doesn't even move his arms much. In previous episodes, he slapped Primal around and covered his mouth to silence his objections, but this time he's just having fun sitting on Primal for fifteen minutes and watching him struggle under his weight. Length: 15:36 |
* "T-Wrex Body Pin Bully" - In the third episode of the Body Pin Bully series, T-Wrex is back as the bully against Primal Instinks. Wrex uses his 200-pound size to pin Primal's 150-pound body to the ground for ten minutes and he also picks on him while he's trapped in this position.
Primal gets pinned down at the very beginning by being pushed onto his back by Wrex, who lowers himself down to his knees and sits on Primal's midsection in order to keep him down. Wrex starts making fun of Primal, who's playing a nerdy, defenseless character in this situation, by slapping at his face and taunting him for being trapped. Primal repeatedly asks Wrex to get off of him and tries to push him away and protect his face from getting touched, but this only causes Wrex to grab Primal's arms and pin them under Wrex's legs so he can no longer use them to his defense. Wrex continues poking Primal all over his upper body and slapping and rubbing his face with his hands while taunting him about the situation he's in. Since Primal won't stop whining for help, Wrex at one point clamps his hand over his mouth to silence him, and when Primal continues making noise through his hand, Wrex pinches his nose shut with his other hand so he can't breathe for a while and laughs about it. After ten minutes of pinning him under his weight and picking on him, Wrex finally decides to stand up and leave Primal alone. Primal goes to run away but Wrex rushes back into the room and knocks him onto the bed, causing the camera to land on the ground facing up at Wrex, who uses his foot to heavily stomp it out as an outro. Length: 10:12 |
* "The Friend-Flattening Duo" (feat. T-Wrex) - Primal Instinks and T-Wrex return for another flattening-themed perspective video, and this time they both get in on the 2D action.
Primal and Wrex are sitting next to each other in the bedroom talking about the prior two episodes where Wrex individually used his shoe and butt to crush Primal flat into a 2D photo of himself, shake him back to normal size, and then flatten him again for fun. They aren't sure which method (shoe or butt) was more fun for them so they decide to try them both out again to be sure. Primal uses his ability to shrink himself down to tiny size, and as the camera perspective switches to a GoPro wide-lens view, Wrex sits down on him, replacing him with a front and back, 4 x 6 inch photo of himself. Wrex peels Primal from the chair, turning him over in his hand and laughing at his appearance. He then shakes Primal in order to unflatten him, sets him on the ground below him, and crushes him with his shoe. Wrex sits down in the chair and places his ankle over his knee, showing the 2D photo of Primal stuck to the bottom of it, and again laughs at his appearance before peeling him off from it. Wrex shakes Primal to unflatten him again, and as the POV changes, Primal returns to normal size and sits back down. After agreeing both methods are fun, Primal asks Wrex if we wants to give getting flattened a try. Wrex replies he can't shrink himself down to tiny size like Primal can, but Primal is able to use his ability to shrink Wrex for him, with the POV switching to show him sinking down into the chair he's sitting in from his perspective. Primal sits down on the chair, flattening Wrex under his butt, and after realizing what he did, peels the 2D photo he was replaced with from the chair, turns it over, and laughs at his appearance. After Primal shakes him back to regular size, Wrex states he didn't enjoy being flattened. In order to make himself feel better, he tells Primal to shrink himself again on the floor in front of him, then he steps on him once more, sits down in the chair, props his feet up on an Ottoman, and relaxes with Primal's 2D image stuck to the bottom of his shoe, remarking that this is the way things are supposed to be. Length: 8:16 |
* "Navel Piercing" (feat. T-Wrex) - T-Wrex finds himself tied to a chair and on the receiving end of repeated belly button attacks from Primal Instinks. Primal, who has an "outie" belly button, pokes and stabs at T-Wrex's "innie" using his index finger and several objects he has next to him.
Wrex is sitting shirtless in a chair and Primal uses twine to tie Wrex's wrists together behind this back and then rope his chest around the back of the chair so he can't go anywhere or use his hands to his defense. Primal tauntingly informs Wrex that he's going to be prodding at his deep "bear" navel, which is surrounded by hair on Wrex's stomach. Primal starts by poking at Wrex's belly button with his finger, jamming it in and out and asking Wrex if the "button" he's pressing is turning any lights on. He then grabs a ruler and begins smacking Wrex in the stomach with it, threatening to give him a pink belly and a pink belly button to go with it! After repeated ruler strikes, Primal grabs a capped ink pen and pokes Wrex's belly button with it for a while, pausing only when it gets lodged in Wrex's navel and sticks out of it. Primal grabs the ruler again and attempts to hammer it deeper then smacks Wrex in the stomach a few more times with it before removing the pen and moving on to the next item. A round car charger with a USB cable plugged into is inserted next, fitting well with the round shape of a belly button. Primal wishes out loud the charger was plugged in so that it would give Wrex some shock treatment! After this, Primal fills a glass with hot water and pours it onto Wrex's stomach then grabs the final item, which is a set of keys, and inserts his Jeep key into Wrex's navel and turns it like he's trying to start his vehicle, causing Wrex to grimace and wriggle around in pain and jokingly tell Primal he's got the wrong key. Once all the items have been used, Primal grabs his cellphone and films a close-up angle of him attacking Wrex's belly button with each of them one final time. The video ends with Primal giving Wrex's belly an open-hand slap. Length: 8:37 |