Hey, how are ya? Primal Instinks here, and I have an important announcement for all of my fans.
Soon I'll be changing the name of my creation, and I wanted to give everyone a heads up before I went forward with it. This slight name change will apply to my YouTube channel, official website, Patreon page, and Cash App cashtag. As I mentioned in a blog on my channel, T-Wrex and Lord Rubix, the two friends I started my YouTube channel with, have decided to drop out from filming videos any further, making "The No Deo Trio" an obsolete name. Lord Rubix met a girl on a dating app and fell head over heels in love, and he's decided to dedicate all his free time to her instead of with his friends anymore in order to find a house and start a family. T-Wrex informed me he's beginning the next chapter of his life, which involves having kids and raising a family, and he's no longer interested in hanging out or filming videos with me anymore, a decision that was pushed onto him by his wife. Family comes first to him, and he's doing what he feels is necessary to keep her, and by extension himself, happy. After the initial hurt passed, I have already accepted this and moved forward from it, and while I know everyone is going to rightfully feel sad and angry about their decisions to move on, I want everyone to appreciate and remember the good times the three of us had together on video like I do, and know that all the videos we filmed and the photos we took together will continue to remain on my YouTube channel and official website for all of my fans to enjoy. This includes the behind-the-scenes extras, which will continue to be available for patrons to purchase access to. Also understand that just because I'm making a minor name change to my creation, that doesn't mean I'm changing the content or direction of it. I will continue to film the same kind of content I always have on my channel in the same spirit I always have, and I will continue to feature my other friends on camera whenever they have the time and interest to participate. This means stompdown videos, wrestling and brethling matches, breath-holding contests, stinkpit and stinkshoe comedy skits, workout videos, and more will all continue to be filmed and uploaded for everyone to enjoy. I will also continue to film solo commissions for my fans whenever desired, and anytime any of my friends are available to participate in paid commissions, I will let everyone know. The new name of my creation is The No Deo Hero. This name came to me after I thought about all the amazing comments and messages many of my fans have sent me over the years where people have told me they look up to me, appreciate how open I am about myself, look forward to my videos because they make them happy and feel good about themselves, and even told me I'm their hero. These wonderful comments have come to me from a mixture of teenage fans, adult fans, and elderly fans, and I'm very touched and humbled by all of them. In the society we live in, it may be ironic to refer to a guy who doesn't use deodorant, is open about the quirky interests he has, and is proud of his alternative identity as a "hero," but I know I am a hero to the people in the world who relate to me in their own identities and ways they choose to live their lives, which don't always follows society's conditioned norms and standards. With a punk spirit, an ever-burning passion, and a sense of humor to go with it, I'm honored to stand up to judgment and negativity for my fans and defeat it with positivity and strength, and I will help save the world from feelings of being lost, lonely, or broken, which are brought on by outdated stigmas of society. United we are strong, and together we will heal the hurt with love. Using my video platform, I will "wear my cape" and help everyone I can reach who will be positively impacted by my message and content. Stay tuned for the upcoming change, and get ready for the continuation of the quirky comedy, spectacular sports, and eccentric entertainment you have all loved for five and a half years now! I love you all! Your No Deo Hero, Primal 💚 |