Hey you! Leave more comments on my YouTube videos, will ya? I currently have 6.5K subscribers, but most of my followers seem shy 🙈
I love hearing from my fans! I appreciate the kind, funny, and wholesome comments some of you leave me. Comments complimenting my looks or my content that you really love are always welcome too, but just keep in mind I'm on YouTube so they can't be too explicit or inappropriate in nature. If it's a private message you want to send me, use the Fan Message feature at the bottom of the Intro page of this website instead! I have some awesome fans who regularly leave great comments on my videos and every now and then someone will say something amazing like in the example below. Knowing I'm making your day, filling your life with more happiness and laughter, inspiring you to be closer with your friends or reminisce about the great friends you've had, relating to me in incredible ways, and exciting you with my antics are all things I love to hear, so don't be shy! Leave more comments on my YouTube videos because I look forward to reading them 🙂