A long time ago, I learned a unique way to identify people's personalities using four personal elements. This universal method works for everyone, and I'm going to explain it in detail in this blog and describe myself using the elements as an example to better teach it. After you understand this method, I invite you to identify yourself using the given elements. This can help you realize where you're strong as a person and where you may need improvement.
Personalities are too diverse to be described as just introvert or extrovert, or a "cat" or "dog" person. It's too generic to label someone so simply, or by saying you're just a happy person or a sad person -- that can change at any given time. There are four elements that are used to describe a person's overall personality. Depending on how much you have of each element correlates with the type of person you are, and the goal is to have all four of these elements equally balanced. Too much of one element is not a good thing, nor is not having enough of one. The four elements are Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth. First I will describe each element in detail, then I'll provide examples of what having too much or too little of each one will result in. Wind represents intellect. People who are strong in the Wind element are intelligent and logical. They think clearly and are creative, philosophical, and analytical. They can also be metaphorical and enjoy wordplay. Psychology, brainstorming, and coming up with ideas are also strong points for Windy people. They love socializing and having "deep" conversations. A person who has too much of the Wind element is known as an "airhead" because, as the saying goes, their head is always in the clouds. They will often find themselves distracted by their constant stream of thoughts and ideas and find difficulty focusing as a result. They may also live more in a fantasy world than reality due to an overactive imagination. They might even be difficult to converse with because they're constantly correcting your grammar and using big words to show off their high IQ. A person who has too little of the Wind element never thinks things through. They may lack creativity, have no imagination, and speak in a simple-minded manner. Intellectual discussions will bore them. They won't have any input to offer and will often answer questions with "I don't know." The next element, Fire, represents passion. A person who is strong in the Fire element has a lot of energy, ambition, and motivation. They're a take-charge kind of person who may also be impulsive and a risk-taker. They're experimental in the sense that they aren't afraid to try new things. They're also playful and competitive, headstrong, and they stand up for themselves. A person who has too much Fire is known as a "hothead." They're temperamental and easily agitated. They flare up when someone angers them and may be prone to fighting or physical violence. Their fiery nature can scare people off or push them away. They may be so steadfast that they're stubborn and will never back down, admit their mistake, or apologize even if they realize they're wrong. Someone with too little fire has no ambition. They lack the motivation to get things done or take the first step toward something they need to do. They aren't the type to compete in sports or enjoy physical horseplay. They don't take risks or have a sense of adventure. They would never be the leader of any group. The third element is Water. Water represents emotion. An individual who is strong in the Water category is caring, empathic, kind, and altruistic. They're a good listener and the type of person you can depend on if you need someone to talk to or cheer you up. They might also be the person who goes to you when they need to vent. They're there for you, they have others' interests in minds instead of only their own, and they trust people and "let them in." As the saying goes, they wear their heart on their sleeve. Having too much Water will make you a wishy-washy kind of person. This means you're too sensitive and dramatic. You may find yourself crying often. Crying after a good movie or emotional song is a healthy example of the Water element, but if you find yourself having mental breakdowns on a regular basis, it means you need to get control over your emotions. If you don't have enough Water though, you may be seen as an emotionless person who keeps things bottled up inside. You put a wall up around you and don't trust people or let them into your life. It will be harder for you to make friends and have relationships. People who had a rough upbringing will often become mentally and emotionally hardened and will need to work hard to soften up. This can also happen as a result of being abandoned or betrayed by friends, family, or lovers, which can develop trust issues. The final element is Earth. Earth represents your life's compass. Someone who has a good balance of Earth is rooted to a path of success. They know their lane in life and they stay in it. They have a good sense of direction, are career-oriented and financially stable, and they stay true to themselves. They're also great family people (think of the stay-at-home mom who covers the walls with family photos, or the person who calls their pet their "child"). They're able to stay friends with people for a long time and maintain long-lasting relationships and employment. They are also in touch in nature and respect the planet and their fellow living beings. Too much Earth can be considered a bad thing. Someone who is too Earthy is stuck in their own ways and never open to change. They may hate society because they're aware of how humans pollute the air, kill innocent animals, cut down trees, and otherwise destroy the planet. Some will put wild animals above fellow humans because of how connected they feel to nature. These are the vegetarians who attack people who don't share their choice of diet because they believe "meat is murder," and also the climate activists who block traffic as a form of protest. Not having enough Earth means you have no direction in life. You're like a wild leaf constantly blowing in a turbulent breeze, unable to find a place to settle down and call home. This is the person who bounces from job to job, unable to secure long term employment or find a career that works for them. They will be in and out of relationships constantly and have trouble keeping friends. They might even be homeless because they lost their way and dug themselves into a hole. So those are the four elements and what they represent. Are you able to choose your strongest element and recognize what your weakest is? Here's a test I came up with to see if you understand the basics of Wind, Fire, Water and Earth. Scenario 1: You read a post on social media from someone that says "An update on my music project: I now have four songs written but I still need to record them." Which element is this post strong in, and where does it show weakness? Answer: Writing songs is an example of intellect, so this is strong in the Wind category. However, not having the motivation to put those ideas into motion and record the songs shows a lack of Fire. A good idea will never see the light of day without the passion and drive needed to make it a reality. Scenario 2: The next social media post you read says "I've been at this job for 12 years and I'm so over it! I can't take another day of this place or my co-workers." Which personality elements come to mind with this post? Answer: Being at a job for 12 years shows strength in the Earth element, but this emotional outburst is overflowing with Water. Remember it's not good to have too much of one element. Remaining at a job you're unhappy at may also be an example of too much Earth because it shows you're too rooted and not open to change, even when it's apparent that it's necessary for your well being. Scenario 3: The third post you read surprises you. It says "the next time my neighbor's dog wakes me up at night, I'm going to think of a way to make my neighbor's life a living hell like he's making mine." What are your thoughts on this one? Answer: This is certainly a fiery statement to make. Assuming they didn't try talking to their neighbor first to find a resolution, it appears this person is taking a bull-headed approach to an issue they're having. Instead of using their brain logically, they're seeking to come up with a plan of revenge to fight fire with fire instead of coming up with a solution to extinguish the flames. When you pour gasoline on a fire, it will only burn brighter and begin to consume everyone around it. How did you do in understanding these examples? To explain this even better, I'm now going to share my elemental identity with you. In the broadest terms, I have always considered myself to be a fiery intellectual. This means that Fire and Wind are my strongest elements. I've always been energetic, passionate, and adventurous. I'm also headstrong and competitive. At the same time, I love to use my brain. I'm always seeking knowledge and learning new things. I'm a big fan of using wordplay and I enjoy clever humor. Do you notice how the video titles on my channel and in the behind-the-scenes extras tend to rhyme or have each word begin with the same letter? This is called an alliteration and it's an example of intellect. Having the intellect to create and the passion to put an idea into motion is what resulted in the blog you're reading right now. I created The No Deo Hero using my own inspirations and ideas and I stayed true to myself the entire time. I put my heart, soul and emotion into it, and with a good balance of Earth, I've managed to stay on the same successful path despite any obstacles that came up along the way. With Fire and Wind being my strongest elements, I wouldn't say that Water or Earth are necessarily weak for me. I'm a single homeowner who's financially stable and I've been operating as The No Deo Hero for over 8 years now. This shows a major growth in me as a person. I used to have difficulty maintaining employment at the same place for a while -- in fact, the longest job I held was for four and a half years at a restaurant. Being able to single-handedly keep my internet presence strong and successfully live off of it shows a big improvement in Earth for me. I'm not ashamed to admit that certain songs and movies can make me cry. A good book or video game can stir up emotion in me. I like to express my feelings, especially when someone touches my life in a positive way. I do have strengths in the Water category. However, I know my areas of improvement lie in making adjustments to my Fire and Water elements. I can be too Fiery to a fault. Sometimes I let little things anger or annoy me that shouldn't. I get mad at video games if they become too difficult. I yell at the screen and curse the developers for coming up with something so frustrating. I get angry if I'm trying to fix something at my house and it doesn't work the way it should. I say things out loud like "why don't these tools do what they're supposed to do? Why can't people come up with a better way to do this?" If I'm in a bad mood and I hit my arm or shin on a wall, I hit the wall back with my fist as if it's going to feel the same pain that I just did. I get excited during conversations that interest me and will sometimes accidentally talk over people. I do at least know how to say sorry and admit when I'm wrong. My intellectual logic will overpower stubbornness and lower the flames inside enough for me to think things clearly instead of blindly acting on rage. I'm still steadfast and headstrong though and won't allow myself to be disrespected or taken advantage of. Sometimes people take my friendly and occasionally goofy sense of humor for weakness, but they quickly learn I'm not to be victimized or preyed on. I'm also aware I have trust issues with other people. I had a fairly rough childhood with alcoholism as well as physical and verbal abuse at home, and I've also been abandoned by friends I've made throughout life that I was loyal and caring toward. This has affected my interest in making new friends and caused me to focus more on continuing to thrive independently and become my own best friend. I won't always give people the benefit of the doubt and might assume that only their own best interests are on their minds. Allowing hurtful instances of the past to affect your overall trust in other people is a lapse in the Water element. Where do you stand with your elements? How close are you to achieving a perfect balance of all four of them? A leopard never changes its spots, as they say, but there is always the possibility for improvement if you find ways to work toward it. If you're too angry all the time, try meditation or yoga. If you're prone to mental breakdowns, do what you can to eliminate stress in your life. You may need to change jobs or the people you hang around or live with. Making better use of your time is always beneficial, and controlling what you watch and listen to will also have a profound effect on you. Avoid negativity on social media or from the news, especially when it comes to politics. The path to happiness lies in unity, not division. I hope you learned something about yourself from reading this, and you likely just learned something new about me as well. Use this elemental guide to better yourself and understand the people around you. Your elemental energy will interact with theirs in unique ways. Remember that everyone is different and the best way to live your life is to be yourself. Love yourself and take pride in who you are, but acknowledge that everyone always has room for improvement and it's never too late to start striving to be better.
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